انتشار مقالات کنفرانس بین المللی ژنتیک و ژنومیکس انسانی

سه شنبه، 22 شهریور، 1401
انتشار مقالات کنفرانس بین المللی ژنتیک و ژنومیکس انسانی
مقالات کنفرانس بین المللی ژنتیک و ژنومیکس انسانی در تاریخ 22 شهریور 1401 در پایگاه سیویلیکا نمایه و منتشر شد.این رویداد توسط دانشگاه یزد در شهر یزد برگزار شده است.در این رویداد 116 مقاله شامل 116 صفحه ارائه شده است.بر اساس تحلیل اولیه انجام شده، مقالات این دوره از کنفرانس عمدتا در موضوعات زیر ارائه شده است:
  • - بیولوژی مولکولی، بیولوژی سلولی و ژنتیک
لیست و عناوین مقالات نمایه شده از کنفرانس بین المللی ژنتیک و ژنومیکس انسانی به صورت زیر می باشد:

1. Improved Vascular Graft in Tissue Engineering by genedelivery

2. New challenge of bioethic in human genome project

3. Investigation of mitochondrial pathogenesis genes in somediseases caused by mitochondrial defects

4. The Importance Genomics and Proteomics in Lung Cancer

5. The use of stem cells in restorative medicine

6. Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells

7. MiRNA in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Pediatric AcuteLymphoblastic Leukemia

8. The function of Circulating microRNAs in pathogenesis ofiron overload in children with Transfusion-Dependent β-Thalassemia major

9. CTX۰۰۱ is CRISPR/Cas۹-based treatment to Increasedfetal hemoglobin for Treatment of sickle cell anemia

10. TNF-α antagonists have offered benefit in patients withprogressing vitiligo

11. Altered Expression of Long non-coding RNAs in AcuteMyeloid Leukemia

12. Importance and function of long non-coding RNAs inleukemia

13. Epigenetic changes and breast cancer

14. Specific targeting of point mutations in ۴ carcinogenicgenes in lung cancer by CRISPR / Cas۹

15. Neuroinflammatory State of Multiple Sclerosis andStrategies for Biotherapeutics Development

16. Prospects for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hemophilia A

17. The role of lncRNAs as biomarkers in the diagnosis andtreatment of various cancers

18. The role of genetics in epilepsy

19. Detection and monitoring of cancer using ctDNA andMicrofluidics

20. Evaluation of Alzheimer's disease

21. Evaluation of the effect of trastuzumab in the treatment ofbreast cancer

22. The role of nucleotide repeats in the development ofSpinocerebellar ataxia and Friedrich ataxia

23. Achieving the pathogenesis of inflammatory intestine(bowel) disease by tissue proteome

24. Investigating the Role of Wnt/Β-Catenin SignalingPathway in Gastric Cancer

25. The role of circular RNA in myocardial infarction

26. influence of intestinal inflammation using exosomemediators

27. The role of LincFOXF۱ in cancers

28. Parkinson’s contributed genes analysis

29. In vivo-In vitro trials in Developing for therapeuticstrategies of Stargardt disease with desirable future

30. The role of Piwi interacting RNAs (piRNAs) in cancer

31. Investigation of genes and polymorphisms associated withthe severity of Covid-۱۹

32. The effect of ADAM۹ gene on the severity of COVID-۱۹disease

33. Gene transfer by viral and non-viral vectors, especiallynanoparticles

34. Investigation of sperm genetic quality in causes of maleinfertility and common treatment methods

35. Beta Thalassemia Therapy by CRISPR/Cas۹

36. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells for modelling ofgenetic disorders

37. Editing The Mitochondrial Genome Using The NovelMethod Of DddA

38. Role of Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer

39. Analysis of diseases caused by hemoglobin deficiency:Sickle cell anemia and thalassemia

40. A brief overview of the genes involved in acute lymphoidleukemia

41. Comparison of Viral and Non-viral Vectors in GeneTherapy

42. An overview to diagnosis and treatment of childhood acutelymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

43. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacogenomics ofChloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in the treatment ofCovid-۱۹

44. The role of FOXO transcription factors in cancer

45. The importance of stem cells in the treatment of cancer

46. The effect that genes have on the corona

47. Exon-skipping therapeutic approach inDuchenne Muscular Dystrophy

48. The role of CRISPR in controlling TNBC using theBRCA۱ and BRCA۲ genes

49. An Analysis on The Effect of Polymorphisms on HighBlood Cholesterol among Iranians

50. Improvement of beta thalassemia symptoms byexamining the role of polymorphic markers

51. Role of three main ABC transporters in multidrugresistance

52. The role of LncRNA MIR۲۰۵HG in cancer

53. Genetics of infertility and recurrent miscarriage

54. Recombinant factor VIII for hemophilia treatment

55. The role of LncRNAs in cancer

56. Huntington's disease and novel genetic therapies

57. The function and importance of Crisper technique in thetreatment of leukemia

58. Genetics of cardiovascular disease

59. Novel studies on balancing growth and production rate ofvitamin C

60. Fighting against sickle cell disease by CRISPR/Cas۹

61. The role of long Intergenic non-protein codingRNA۶۶۷(LINC۰۰۶۶۷) in cancer

62. FTO gene polymorphism (rs۱۵۵۸۹۰۲) and obesity inathletes and non-athletes individuals

63. Evaluation of effective factors in reducing the level ofpain and anxiety in the treatment of pediatric leukemia

64. Cryonics in Human

65. What Is Hemophilia?

66. The FGF/FGFR System and EGFR in Breast Cancer:signaling targeted therapies

67. Investigation of genetic mutations in thyroid cancer

68. CAR-T Cell Therapy and Expectations

69. Gene therapy in type ۱ diabetes

70. Thyroid Cancer in the Pediatric Population

71. The importance of DNA in molecular and cellular biology

72. Interaction of vitamin D with ACE۲ gene expression inmodulating the SARS-COV-۲ phenotype

73. The role of stem cells in pediatric leukemia

74. Genetics of eye diseases

75. A review on specific diabetes gene and inheritance

76. Evaluation of gene therapy in thalassemia

77. Circular RNAs as New Regulators in Gastric Cancer:Diagnosis and Cancer Therapy

78. Diagnostics of lung cancer using next-generationsequencing technology

79. Review on the most important gene polymorphismsmodulating serum cholestrol level

80. The role of circular RNAs as prognostic and therapeuticbiomarker in triple negative breast cancer

81. Study of DNA soluble and DNA Long

82. Personalized Medicine: The role of pharmacogeneticbiomarkers in cancer therapy

83. Association of FTO gene polymorphisms and obesity

84. Application of aptamers in colorectal cancer therapy

85. The role of Lnc DA۱۲۵۹۴۲ in colorectal cancer

86. Genetic diagnosis and counseling

87. Lung Cancer and its Relation to Human MolecularGenetic

88. The role and function of exosomes in metastasis

89. P۵۳-inactivating mutations introduces a path efficientCRISPR–Cas۹ genome editing

90. The effect of gene therapy on the control and treatmentof pediatric leukemia

91. Reconstruction of spinal cord injuries by embryonic stemcells

92. Effect examination of ozone gas injection and hyaluronicacid in osteoarthritis patients

93. long non-coding RNAs in childhood acute lymphoblasticleukemia patients

94. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children

95. Treatment of neurodegenerative diseases by stem cells

96. Strategies to overcome drug resistance to imatinib inchronic myeloid leukemia cells

97. Investigation of genetic mutations in autism

98. Stem Cells in Plastic Surgery: A brief review

99. Circular RNAs molecule: The potential target in cancertherapy

100. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms as the EfficientPrognostic Markers in Breast Cancer

101. Competition of microbes with antimicrobial peptides andhuman tools for its improvement

102. Manipulation and isolation of cells using molecularbeacons and flow cytometry for multi-gene cell lineproduction

103. Progression of CRISPR/Cas۹ technology for cancertherapy

104. ERK/MAPK signaling pathway function in acutelymphoblastic leukemia

105. A review of the association between cancer and Covid ۱۹

106. An epigenetic mechanism underlying non-Mendelianinheritance patterns

107. A review in Variation Aspect of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

108. Stem cell and cancer stem cell in cancer therapy

109. Investigation of the effect of k + sperm channels onsperm motility in humans

110. Investigating the effect of sperm tail on their movementin humans

111. The role of IGF۱R and GRB۷ genes in targetedtreatment of breast cancer

112. Most common form of dementia: Alzheimer

113. New applications of PCR

114. LncRNAs as potential biomarkers and therapeutictargets for Parkinson’s disease

115. MicroRNAs can be used as Biomarkers for EarlyDiagnosis, Prognosis, and Therapeutic Targeting ofOvarian Cancer

116. Gene therapy in the treatment of diseases

117. Computational Analysis of Notch۱ and its correlated miRNAs Involvedin Colorectal Cancer Progression

118. Naringenin and Resveratrol Anti-tumor Impact on the Y۷۹ Retinoblastoma by Affecting E/N-Cadherin and Galectin-۳; PossibleSynergistic Effect

119. GJB۲ gene related nonsyndromic hearing loss in Mazandaran Province, north of Iran

120. Comparison of CD۴+ and CD۸+ T- lymphocyte in Helicobacter pylorinegative functional dyspepsia

121. Comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of mir-۶۱۶ in triple negative breast cancer

122. Evaluation of VEGFA mRNA as non-invasive diagnostic biomarker in endometriosis

123. Bioinformatics-based analysis of microRNAs as crucial contributors in gastric cancer

124. Lesser known factors in having diabetes; focus on: aralkylamine Nacetyltransferase (AANAT)

125. The important role of copy-number variations in hereditary spastic paraplegia

126. Design of a T-cell epitope vaccine against BKRF۴ protein Epstein-Barr virus in Burkitt's lymphoma using immunoinformatics approaches

127. In-Silico Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in PTEN gene associated with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

128. Vanadyl Sulfate has an Apoptotic Effect on MCF-۷ Breast Cancer Cell Line

129. A bioinformatics analysis of Runx۱ and its related miRNA Involved in Colorectal Cancer metastases

130. SiRNA-mediated knockdown of Nrf۲ gene induces apoptosis of AGS cells

131. Increased level of JNK (MAPK) enzyme in anuclear cell (platelet) under osmotic stress

132. A Comparative Study of Fluoxetine and Glatiramer Acetate Therapy in the Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis

133. Bi-allelic variants in IPO۸ cause human importin- β -related disorders

134. Analysis of mRNA-miRNA Interaction between Breast Tumor Tissues and Adjacent Normal Tissues

135. Evaluation of miR-۳۸۲ expression change in the prefrontal cortex of the brain following alcoholism in male Wistar rats

136. Nrf۲ knockdown increases apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells

137. The genetic basis of lactase persistence and lactose digestion in Iran and Afghanistan

138. Silencing CDC۲۰ gene by siRNA-loaded nanoniosome in cancer cell therapy

139. A bioinformatics analysis of microRNAs related with breast carcinoma specific gene as a biomarker

140. BEST۴ and CA۷ as two novel molecular signatures in CRC: a systems biology study

141. Exosomes derived from Mesenchymal Stem cells alleviate the expressions of liver Fibrogenic genes in human hepatic stellate cells

142. The role of cytosolic Toll like receptor ۲, ۴ in endometrial samples from women with hydrosalpinx

143. Evaluation of endosomal Toll-like receptors-۳ and ۹ gene expressions in endometrial of hydrosalpinx women

144. Design and amplification of an antimicrobial peptide based on scorpion mucroporin toxin

145. The proliferation and migration of metformin-treated vascular smooth muscle cells are suppressed via Focal Adhesion Kinase in high glucose conditions

146. Investigation of binding interactions between three active ingredients; Curcumin, γ-Terpinene, and Safranal with BMP ۱۵

147. Trehalose reduces the number of Stress Granules in cancer-resistant cells, increasing Sorafenib and Gemcitabine sensitivity

148. Study of nettle extract and shigatoxin effects on the inflammation-wound healing process in mouse

149. Identification of Survival-Associated Long Non-Coding RNAs Hubs in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma through Bioinformatics Analysis

150. Prevalence assessment of LuxS-dependent quorum sensing system genes in Enterobacteriaceae

151. Evaluation of a functional polymorphism in has-miRNA-۱۹۶a۲ (rs۱۱۶۱۴۹۱۳ C/T) with breast cancer risk in west Iranian women

152. Thalassemia screening in relative couple: Importance of Prenatal Diagnosis Tests and Genetic Counseling

153. In-silico study of rs۳۰۲۵۰۴۰ and hsa-mir-۱۹۹a-۵p single nucleotide polymorphisms related to VEGFA gene in patients with gastric cancer

154. Comparison of TRBF peptide structure, in mammals using bioinformatics

155. Investigation of genes and pathways involved in breast cancer subtypes through gene expression meta-analysis

156. Prevalence of Chromosomal abnormalities in cytogenetic findings of patients studied in Golestan province

157. Integrative meta-analysis identifies the involvement of neurotrophin signaling pathway in AML chemo-resistance

158. Investigation of the pathogenicity of one of the missense single nucleotide polymorphism in IKZF۱ gene

159. Effect of nuclear factor erythroid ۲-related factor silencing on the MiaPac۲ pancreatic cancer cells

160. Key genes in neural stem cells differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells: a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis

161. Integrative Analysis of MicroRNA and Gene Interactions Associated with BRAF Gene Mutation in Melanoma

162. Impact of Methadone and Morphine on Mental Activity and Gfap Expression in Male Norway Rat

163. Association of ART۳ rs۶۸۳۶۷۰۳ polymorphism with non-obstructive Azospermia in Iranian men

164. Study of black-cumin on the expression of the genes related to the lipid metabolism in mice

165. The improvement of Anti-CD۲۰ Antibody Affinity with site-specific mutagenesis in CDR۳ (Tyr۱۰۱ to Arg)

166. The study of expression of CCAT۲-Lnc noncoding gene in HT-۲۹ and HCT-۱۱۶ colorectal cancer cell line with Gemini Curcumin

167. Inhibition of miR-۴۲۷۰ in HepG۲ cell line to suppress in-vitro metastasis and invasion

168. Expression profile evaluation of Interferon gamma and leptin genes in infertile women compared with fertile individuals

169. In silico analysis of identification miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients

170. Expression of Long non-coding RNAs (LncRNA), PWRN۱ in colorectal cancer

171. The Role of ccr۵ Receptor in Expression of neat-۱ in Breast Cancer Patients with Positive HIV

172. The Study of changes in affinity of Anti-CD۲۰ antibody with mutations Tyr۱۰۱ and Tyr۱۰۷ to Arg in CDR۳ using docking

173. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in BRCA۲ partial sequences associated with breast cancer in human

174. TXNDC۸ mRNA expression Evaluation in semen of infertile men

175. Evaluation of SOS۱ gene mutation in breast cancer and the effect of miR-۱۴۶a-۵p on this gene

176. Exome sequencing in the diagnosis of breast cancer

177. The effect of remdesivir on differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblast

178. PIK۳R۱ targeting by miR-۵۵۷۱-۵p induced tumor progression and invasion in breast cancer

179. Bioinformatics analysis of GDF ۱۱ with three common active ingredients from Turmeric, Cumin, and Saffron

180. Inhibitory effect of twist۱ antisense oligo-nucleotides on invasion rate of androgen dependent prostatic cancer cells

181. Homozygous Deletion of exon ۷ in SMN۱ gene without phenotypic features of spinal muscular atrophy

182. Determination of Pathogenic Mutations in NT۵C۲ Gene using Bioinformatics Tools

183. The Study of the Pathogenicity of SNPs in MT-ND۳ gene using bioinformatics sites

184. The Highest Odd Ratio of SNP rs۷۷۱۸۹۱۹ in Multiple Sclerosis among ۱۰ Variant of IL۷R Gene

185. Pathogenicity analysis of G۲۹۷C in GATA۴ gene in non-syndromic Tetralogy of fallot (TOF)

186. Computational approaches to design Anti-CD۵۲ Nano body: A new insight for B-CLL and MS therapeutic strategies

187. The effects of nano-Curcumin adjuvant therapy in hospitalized COVID- ۱۹ patients

188. In-silico evaluation of single nucleotide polymorphisms in PSEN۱ gene in patients with Alzheimer's disease

189. Alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis of some corona and influenza type-A viruses based on nucleocapsid protein sequences

190. In Silico Analysis of Anti-Microbial Peptides on HER۲ Protein in Breast Cancer

191. Bioinformatics evaluation of targetom hsa-miR-۱۴۶a-۳p signaling pathways and related to The IFNAR۲ in COVID-۱۹ patients

192. The impact of FAS gene expressions in endometriosis

193. In-silico analysis of SHOX Gene for Following Pathogenicity Single- Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Patients with Short Stature Deficiencies

194. In-vitro antioxidant therapy and improvement of sperm parameters and quality in asthenoteratozoospermia patients

195. Genes contributing to the adverse effects of lithium therapy in bipolar disorder

196. In-silico analysis of SNPs in mitochondrial MT-ND۴ gene

197. Inferring cell lineage differential gene expression analysis using singlecell RNA-seq

198. Long noncoding RNA TP۵۳TG۱ alteration impact on breast cancer progression

199. Computational analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human MPO gene

200. The influences of chicken embryo extract on the fate of epidermal neural crest stem cells

201. Bioinformatics analysis of potential interactions between hsa-miR-۱۴۳- ۵p and E۶ and E۷ mRNAs from HPV-۱۶

202. In silico analysis predicting effects of deleterious SNPs of human ETV۶ gene on its functions

203. Inhibition of LSD۱ by gsk-lsd۱ small molecule inhibitor stimulates fetal hemoglobin in CD۳۴+ cells

204. Introducing prognosis biomarkers of acute myeloid leukemia by weighted gene co-expression network analysis

205. Comparative study of expression of non-coding circular RNAs circBIRC۶ and circCORO۱C in cord blood CD۳۴+ stem cells and its differentiated cells

206. In vivo identification of novel target genes in colorectal adenocarcinoma by the cDNA-AFLP technique

207. Selection of a CD۱۹ specific scfv by phage display with future prospect in CAR-T cell therapy of leukemia cancer

208. Investigating differential expression of mTOR۱/UCA۱ in tumor samples of colorectal cancer compared with tumor marginal samples

209. Identifying the miRNA and mRNA‑associated networks to reveal potential prognostic biomarkers for Breast cancer

210. Evaluation of the Effect of Ni on Expression Changes of NKILA in leukemia

211. Molecular and prenatal diagnosis in retinoblastoma affected family: findings from Next-Generation Sequencing

212. Assessment of lead heavy metal on the genome of E. coli

213. In vitro and Drosophila models of rare monogenic disorders

214. H. pylori and its cagA gene Prevalence in gastric cancer or peptic ulcer patients at in Qom

215. Reconstruction of Hippo Signaling Pathway Co-Expression Network in AML

216. Evaluation of apoptosis induction in HepG۲ cell line by inhibition of miR-۴۲۷۰

217. Investigate the association of ۲۶۵۰۰۰۰ and ۶۵۴۴۷۱۴ polymorphisms in the ABCG۸ gene with high cholesterol

218. In Silico analysis identification of long noncoding RNAs associated with genes involved in response to trastuzumab antibody treatment in gastric cancer cells using microarray data

219. Effects of cytotoxic concentrations of ibuprofen on BAX, BCL۲ gene expression in cervical cancer cells (HELA)

220. Evaluation of genetic variants of exon ۷ of SPATA۶ gene in infertile men with acephalic spermatozoa syndrome

221. MMP-۲ enriching protein-protein and functional interaction networks in neurogenesis and neural stem cells differentiation

222. Can Recombinant Cryptococcus neoformans HSP۷۰ be a Candidate for Developing an ELISA Kit?

223. Molecular modeling of Wuhan SARS-CoV-۲ RBD in complex with ferritin nanoparticle

224. The Impact of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms rs۸۵۲۹۷۷ of NR۳C۱ Gene on Depression in North of Iran

225. Autism and FOXP۲ gene involved

226. Integrated analysis of gene expression profiles of T-lymphocytes in human T cell leukemia virus type ۱ (HTLV-۱) associated disease: A bioinformatics analysis

227. Regulatory T lymphocytes, the pivotal role in inhibiting GVHD

228. Study of injury and involvement related to lung squamous cell and adenocarcinoma caused by miRNA-۴۸۶ in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

229. Network-based Prediction of microRNAs targeting RdRp and N coronavirus-۲ genes

230. Clinical, radiological, and genomic characteristics of mitochondrial leukodystrophies in Iran

231. Impact of oxidative stress SNPs on sperm DNA damage and male infertility

232. In silico polyepitope vaccine design against SARS-COV-۲ infection

233. Pathogenic analysis of R۴۵۶C mutation in the GATA۶ gene in atrial septal defect (ASD)

234. In silico design and evaluation of signal peptide for secretory expression of interferon a۲b in E. coli

235. Bachelor's thesis in plant orientation biology coronavirus

236. Non-invasive screening of G۳۷۰C, S۲۴۹C and R۲۴۸C mutations of FGFR۳ gene in urinary epithelial cells in patients with bladder cancer

237. The expression profiles and prognostic values of Annexin family genes in breast cancer

238. A study of associations between DROSHA (rs۱۰۷۱۹), DICER (rs۳۷۴۲۳۳۰), RAN (rs۱۴۰۳۵) and XPO۵ (rs۱۱۰۷۷) polymorphic variants and recurrent pregnancy loss in Southeast Iranian women

239. Gene expression analysis of Parvovirus B۱۹ in primary and continuous cell lines

240. The synergistic cytotoxic and apoptotic effect of resveratrol and Naringenin on Y۷۹ retinoblastoma cell line

241. In silico Molecular docking of lead nitrate interaction with replication compounds of E. coli

242. A functional evidence for ATF۷IP association with human intellectual disabilities

243. Study of Silibinin effect on PTEN in human breast cancer cell line

244. GJB۲ Polymorphism rs۷۳۲۹۸۵۷ is associated with autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing loss in Iranian population

245. Bioinformatics evaluation of targetom has- miR-۵۱۳a-۳p signaling pathways and related function of SOD۱ in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

246. In-silico analysis of Site Direct Mutagenesis of Tyr۱۰۲ to Arg in CDR۳ of Anti-CD۲۰ antibody

247. Ki-۶۷ marker and neurotrophic genes expression in metformin-treated mesenchymal stem cells in ۴۸ hours

248. In silico study of association of has-mir-۵۶۹۸ with COVID-۱۹ severity in diabetics

249. A case report of a man with Klinefelter Syndrome having healthy two Neonates with normal karyotype

250. The Affinity optimization of Anti-CD۲۰ antibody with site-directed mutagenesis of Tyr۱۰۷ to Arg۱۰۷ in CDR۳ region

251. Construction and affinity enhancement of a new anti-CD۲۰ single-chain variable antibody fragment

252. Bioinformatics study and evaluation of neurotoxin botulinum A optimized gene expression as a vaccine candidate

253. Pathogenicity analysis of missense mutations in MT-ND۶, a mitochondrial gene that encoded NADH dehydrogenase ۶

254. Potential biomarkers and signaling pathways associated with the pathogenesis of primary salivary gland carcinoma: A bioinformatics study

255. Social work and infertile women

256. Suppressive effect of Gemini Curcumin on the expression of LncRNA CCAT۲ AGS gastric cancer cells gastric cancer

257. Association study rs۳۸۱۰۶۸۸ of NLGN۴ gene with Autism spectrum in an Iranian population

258. Evaluation of miR-۲۰۰a expression pattern in the blood of non-small cell lung cancer patients compared with normal individuals

259. Evaluation of the plasma levels of LncRNAs as biomarker for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

260. Bioinformatics’ analysis of microRNA in angiogenesis pathway of breast cancer: biomarker role of microRNA

261. Unravelling the molecular mechanism of miR-۱۲۸ in oligodendrocyte differentiation

262. Genetic variants of Cystic Fibrosis disease in Azeri Turkish population

263. Predicting biomarker microRNAs for differentiating ER/PR positive and negative breast cancers using bioinformatics

264. Investigation of the role of LncRNA TTTY۱۴ in colorectal cancer using Real-time PCR

265. Exploration of potential key genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma by gene network analysis

266. Silibinin inhibits MCF۷ breast cancer cell proliferation and migration by GREB۱ targeting

267. Association between DROSHA rs۶۴۲۳۲۱ polymorphism and breast cancer in Iranian women

268. Key genes associated with the progression of non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma in smokers and non-smokers

269. Creating an Efficient Strain for Purity of TEV-Labeled Recombinant Proteins

270. Investigation of the subscriptions and association of biologic pathways involved in recurrent acute coronary syndrome

271. Structural and conformational studies of loop VI in copper–zinc superoxide dismutase by site-directed mutagenesis

272. Epiregulin gene expression profiling in cumulus cells is reflective oocyte/embryo competence and potentially reliable predictor of embryodevelopmental competence in PCOS patients

273. Critical roles of extracellular matrix genes in the pathogenesis of carpal tunnel syndrome

274. ORF۸: Promising Target Protein for COVID-۱۹ Treatment

275. A prion-derived peptide can protect SH-SY۵Y neuroblestoma cells against Aβ۴۲ oligomer cytotoxicity without interaction between the twopeptides

276. The effect of crocin on caspase ۶ gene expression in breast cancer

277. Novel anticancer peptide derived of Lactoferricin-B inhibits chemo-drug metabolism in cancer cells by blocking GSTP۱ factor

278. Analysis of TCGA data of genes and key pathways indicates potential role of histones in breast cancer

279. Reanalysis of exome sequencing data in ۲۰ negative hearing loss samples: efficiencies and benefits

280. Virtual high throughput screening: potential inhibitors for SARS-CoV-۲ structural and nonstructural proteins

281. Over expression of LncRNA DUXAP۸ in gastric cancer tumoral tissues

282. Evaluation of miR-۷۴۴ expression pattern in the blood of non-small cell lung cancer patients compared with normal individuals

283. Evaluation of breast cancer cell line due to treatment with vitamin E

284. Aberrant expression of circ-۰۰۷۲۳۰۹ in breast carcinoma as a promising biomarker for diagnosis

285. Effects of motility Sperm and prediction of IUI success

286. To study diabetic neuropathy: using transgenic zebrafish model

287. RNA sequencing revealed potential biomarkers in Iranian children with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

288. Effects of DNA methylation on serum triglycerides level: A systematic review and meta-analysis

289. Association of genetic polymorphism of ۵HTTLPR with temperament in Persian medicine

290. rs۱۰۷۱۹ polymorphism in DROSHA gene may destroy binding site of has-miR-۶۶۴a-۳p and has-miR-۱۲۹۸-۵p

291. Investigation of LNC HOTAIR in renal cell carcinoma and expression of this LNC

292. Molecular docking study of some antiviral drugs against SARS-CoV-۲ RNA-dependent RNA polymerase protein

293. Bioinformatics evaluation of targetome LncRNA HOTAIR signaling pathways and related function of miR۱۲۹-۵p in breast cancer

294. Bioinformatics analysis of Iranian medicinal plants in the treatment of brucellosis

295. Significant association of BRCA۱, BRCA۲ and TP۵۳ gene polymorphisms with breast cancer risk in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

296. Investigation of Lnc DA۱۲۵۹۴۲ expression in colorectal cancer

297. Comparison study of MeICT expression in pET۳۲-Rh and pET۳۲a cloning vectors

298. The effect of Crocin on breast cancer

299. Evaluation of GAB۱ role in pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

300. Alterations in the genes expression profile of hematopoietic stem cell lead to pediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

301. Effects of HAMP gene polymorphism on iron over load β-Thalassemia Iraqi patients

302. A post-mortem diagnosis of infantile-onset Pompe disease in an Iranian family

303. Novel frameshift mutation in SLC۱۲A۲ gene associated with severe phenotype of Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS)

304. Design and cloning of recombinant antimicrobial peptide Melittin-IMekn۲

305. Meta-analysis of chronic gastritis developing into gastric cancer by gene expression profiles

306. In-silico analysis of pathogenic SNPs in JAG۱ gene

307. TT genotype at rs۴۵۱۶۰۳۵ is associated with increased susceptibility to osteoporosis in South-Eastern Iranian people

308. The anti-proliferative effect of Moringa olifera aqueous leaf extracts on acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells

309. Investigation of changes in the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines caused by extract Silybum marianum L. in in-vitro and in-vivo

310. Investigation of LincNRAV expression in colorectal cancer

311. Study of NGF, PAX۳, and NSE genes expression in bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells after treatment by Glabridin for differentiation into nerve-like cell

312. Investigation of frequency of VKORC۱ gene polymorphisms in Warfarin treated patients in Rafsanjan

313. Design of a common vaccine against influenza and SARS-COV-۲ viruses by using In Silico tools

314. Protective effect of HLA-E*۰۱۰۱/*۰۱۰۳ genotype in survival of patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant

315. Design of a SNaPshot assay for simple and cost-effective detection of six variant related to recurrent pregnancy loss

316. Identification of prognostic biomarkers in papillary thyroid cancer and developing non-invasive diagnostic models through integratedbioinformatics analysis

317. The relationship between eNOS gene expression and patients with type ۲ diabetes and depression

318. Pancreatic cancer and the effect of MALAT۱ Lnc on it and the level of expression of this Lnc

319. Analysis of CFTR gene variants and clinical presentations in children with idiopathic bronchiectasis and unknown etiology

320. Study of PHOX۲B, ELP۱ and MAP۲ genes expression in bone marrowderived mesenchymal stem cells after treatment by Glabridin for differentiation into nerve-like cell

321. The study of miR-۱۵a and BACE۱ gene expression in patients with Alzheimer's disease

322. Evaluation of high cholesterol rs۲۹۶۷۶۰۵ and rs۶۷۵۶۶۲۹ polymorphisms of RAB۱۱B and ABCG۵ and ABCG۸ genes in Isfahan population

323. The evaluation of IRSp۵۳ expression in colon cancer patients

324. In-silico study of rs۱۸۰۱۱۵۷ and hsa-mir-۱۴۹-۵p single nucleotide polymorphisms related to CLCX۱۲ gene in patients with leukemia

325. Potential biomarkers and signaling pathways involved in helicobacter pylori-induced gastric cancer: A network-biology approach

326. Biological connections between AHR gene and the genes involving in human skin aging

327. Gene Cloning of Omega ۶ Fatty acid as an Effective Dietary Supplement in Cancer Prevention in Yeast host

328. Study of ZNF۸۰۴A and DISC۱ Genes in Iranian Patients with Schizophrenia

329. The importance of NFATc۱ in endometriosis: a case-control study

330. Investigation of Ins۲ gene expression change in polycystic ovary syndrome in mouse model

331. PARP۱ expression in sporadic triple-negative breast cancer using bioinformatics analysis

332. Identification of crucial genes and pathways associated with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma based on weighted gene correlation network

333. Investigating the relationship between gene expression level of MYC gene and non-coding RNA lnc-mycbp-۱-۳ in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

334. Bioinformatics evaluation of hsa-miR-۲۰۵-۵p signaling pathways and related function of tp۵۳ in patients with pancreatic cancer

335. The elevation of Pinkbar expression in samples of Iranian patients with colon cancer

336. Expression of HAND۲-AS۱ in Colorectal Cancer Is Under Control by DNA Methylation

337. Identifying novel biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma by weighted gene co‐expression network analysis

338. Comparison of two computational online tools for sgRNA designing in gene editing experiments by CRISPR/Cas۹

339. Association between catalase gene (CAT) and other involving genes in human skin ageing

340. Investigation of the Association of FOLH۱ rs۶۱۸۸۶۴۹۴ and DISC۱ rs۱۲۱۳۳۷۶۶ loci in Iranian Schizophrenia Patients

341. The expression analysis of has-circ-۰۰۰۰۲۸۴ in breast carcinoma: Looking for a diagnostic biomarker and a possible therapeutic target

342. Study of BDNF gene expression in Alzheiemerʹs patients

343. Evaluation of the association of XRCC۷ rs۷۰۰۳۹۰۸ gene polymorphism in children with lymphoid cancer

344. In-silico analysis of Rac۱ gene and hsa-mir-۱۸۲-۵p and its related target gene of Liver Cancer

345. Introducing a recurrent mutation in a patient affected with Methylmalonic academia by Whole Exome Sequence

346. Association between rs۹۳۴۴ polymorphism of cyclin D۱ gene (CCND۱) on breast cancer in Iran

347. Bioinformatic analysis and Protein Properties of Delta ۶ desaturase Enzyme Cloned in Pichia pastoris

348. Pathogenic Analysis of R۴۱۴C Mutation in the APC Gene in FAP Cancer

349. Case-Control Analysis of rs۹۳۷۳۰۱ Polymorphism in GIP Correlated to Type ۲ Diabetes in Iranian Population

350. Investigating the Pathogenic Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of MTND۵ Gene by Bioinformatics Tools

351. Identification of Potential Substrates for the Enzyme Sortase in the Human Genome

352. LC۳B as a novel marker for diagnosis of cancer

353. Alignment and phylogenetic tree analysis of CCNE۱ and CCNE۲ cyclic protein partial gene sequences in human

354. Application of gene expression sequencing in COVID-۱۹ pandemic diagnostics

355. Evaluation of DNA expression of nuclear factor kB (NF-kB) in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients using RT-PCR

356. Study of effect of extract of Capparis on expression genes of self-renewal in MCF۷ cells

357. In-silico analysis predicting the status of pathogenic SNPs of the human PAX۳ gene

358. The effect of Composol Medium on platelet microRNAs expression during blood bank storage

359. Psammplysin F increased chemotherapy sensitivity to Doxorubicin by reducing the number of Stress Granules

360. In-silico analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human ALK gene

361. Analysis of pathogenic SNPs of NOTCH۱ gene using bioinformatics tools

362. Evaluation of point mutation of T۵۴R superoxide dismutase enzyme using bioinformatics methods

363. Bioinformatics evaluation of expression CK۱۹ gene with miR-۳۰a in breast cancer

364. Profiling the expression of LncRNAs involved in colorectal cancer progression in search for suitable diagnostic biomarkers

365. Production of optimized AAVs carrying the RPGR gene for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa type-۳ gene therapy

366. Evolutionary Trade-offs during tumor progression using Pareto Task Inference (ParTI) analysis

367. Differential gene expressions of CALM۱, PSMD۶, and AK۱۲۴۷۴۲ long non-coding RNA in Cumulus cells from PCOS patients vs. normal control women

368. The evaluation effects of estrogen on DLGAP۵ gene expression in prostate cancer-۳ (PC۳) cell

369. The effect of alpha lipoic acid on cell survival and fis۱ gene expression in a Parkinson's disease cell model

370. Pathogenicity prediction of PTS: c.۷۰C>G (p.H۲۴D) variant, identified recently in an Iranian PTPS patient

371. Evaluation of alternations in Akt Gene expression in the T۹۸G cell line treatment (Ni)

372. The potential effect of miR-۱۷-۵p on RRMS through inhibition of PTEN in CD۴+ T-cells

373. The application of gene expression analysis by ART in the selection of competent genes for pregnancy prediction

374. Investigation of LincMTX۲ expression in colorectal cancer

375. The KLK۲ gene function in prostate cancer through informatics study

376. A bioinformatics analysis of A۱۶۸D Substitution in the DMD Gene in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

377. A novel missense mutation (c.۲۱۵G>A) in two Iranian siblings with combined oxidative phosphorylation defect type ۷: A case report

378. Frequency of MRPA, PGP gene in drug resistance in Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major

379. Expression oscillation of natural antisense transcripts in the circadian clock

380. Study of the effect of PRKDC knockout on the function of ectodermal genes in mouse embryonic stem cells

381. Construction of an LncRNA-miRNA-mRNA network reveals functional Circulating miRNAs in pancreatic cancer

382. The significant expression of P۴۵۰ drug metabolism pathway between untreated tumors and normal-adjacent tissues in breast cancer patients

383. The evaluation effects of estrogen on BAX gene expression in prostate cancer-۳ (PC۳) cell lines

384. Experimental verification and bioinformatics analysis of miRNAs for the differentiation between HER۲ positive and HER۲ negative Breast cancer

385. Significance of circulating miR-۱۰۷ in type۲ diabetes mellitus

386. Nurr۱/GPX۱-expressing adipose-derived stem cells cultured on PCL/MWCNT scaffolds differentiate into dopamine-secreting cells: A new approach for Parkinsons’s disease cell therapy

387. Classification of a PTS gene variant, c.۴۰۰G>A (p. E۱۳۴K), based on ACMG-AMP criteria

388. Bioinformatics study of the important role of S۱۰۰A۸/۹ and inhibition microRNA-۲۲۳ in acute myeloid leukemia inflammation and secondaryinjuries

389. Predicting of miR-۱۴۹ Regulatory Network and hub genes in breast cancer: an in silico study

390. Bioinformatics analysis Identified miR-۴۸۷a-۳p in human dilated cardiomyopathy

391. REG۴, CEACAM۵ and OLFM۴ are among the most recurrently fused genes in patients with colorectal cancer

392. Occupation of ACE receptor by SARS-CoV-۲ and male infertility risk: An in silico analysis

393. Molecular evaluation of exon ۲۸ von willebrand factor gene in the diagnosis of type ۲B VWD in patients referred to the Iranian BloodTransfusion Organization

394. Bioinformatically design of potential cyclooxygenase-۱ (Cox-۱) inhibitors

395. Comprehensive meta-analysis and differential network analysis of breast cancer

396. Molecular docking of secondary metabolites in the plants of apocynaceae family to inhibit P-Glycoprotein (Pgp) for cancer treatment

397. Association between common HLA alleles and GVHD occurrence after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

398. An Iranian long chain-۳-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency patient with HADHA mutations: case report

399. A network-based approach to uncover the potential genes, microRNAs and pathways in colorectal cancer pathogenicity

400. Investigation of LincFOXF۱ expression in colorectal cance\

401. Identification of the distinctive genes in the development of very early and late relapsed childhood ALL

402. Investigating the effect of MMP-۱ gene and its rs۱۷۹۹۷۵۰ polymorphisms on endometriosis disease in an Iranian women population

403. In-silico screening of bio-antimicrobial peptides as potential drug for inhibiting CYP۵۱ in Aspergillus fumigatus, Candida albicans and Leishmania infantum

404. Correlations of mRNA-miRNA interaction between tumor and margin tissues in patients with breast cancer

405. In silico investigation of putative G-quadruplex-forming regions in spike sequence of SARS-CoV-۲ Delta variant

406. Novel functionally validated L-asparaginases with anti-proliferating activity against leukemic cell line: A MetaGenomic survey in Caspian Sea

407. Effect of alterations in miR-۴۸۳-۳p expression on the expression of SMAD۴ gene in breast cancer patients

408. Silibinin inhibits cell migration through downregulation of RAC۱ gene expression in highly metastatic breast cancer cell line

409. Investigation of homologous chromosome recombination for immunotherapy in colon cancer

410. Pathogenicity analysis of E۲۳۴A mutation in the CITED۲ gene in Ventricular septal defects (VSD)

411. Pathogenic Analysis of one of the missense SNP in the F۹ Gene in Hemophilia B

412. Mutations in the Delta ۶ desaturase gene by UV and genetic analysis and comparison of GLA production in the mutant and wild strains of Mucor rouxii

413. Investigation of LincTNS۱ expression in colorectal cancer

414. Twist۱ antisense oligo nucleotides and inhibition of invasion in advanced prostatic cancer cell line

415. Investigation of associated between coronary artery disease risk and mir-۱۴۶a (rs۲۹۱۰۱۴۶) polymorphism in an Iranian population

416. PEAR۱ genetic variants in Essential Thrombocythemia: The prevalence and association with hematological parameters and ET mutations

417. Mutational screening through comprehensive bioinformatics analysis to detect C۲۵۰T mutation in TERT promoter region among patients with brain tumor

418. Genomic and ancestral variation underlies the severity of COVID-۱۹ clinical manifestation in individuals of European descent

419. Bioinformatics analysis of hsa-miR-۱۳۳a-۳p target genes in Colorectal Cancer process

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