Effect of diet containing olive oil on theexpression of mir۳۷۳ and LncRNA H۱۹ as colorectal cancertumor factors

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 105

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Background: Association between the diet and the incidenceof colorectal cancer is confirmed by several scientific reports.Identification of the pathways that diet factors can affect the tumordevelopment, progression or inhibition is the vital point intumor management. In this study we focused on the mir۳۷۳ andLncRNA H۱۹ expression as two well defined factors involvedin colorectal cancer in the mice fed by olive oil.Material and methods: ۲۰ male mice were divided to ۲ groupsand fed with standard food (N=۱۰ as control group) and standardfood plus ۵۰۰μL olive oil by NG ((N=۱۰ as treatment group)for two months. In the next step, the animals were anesthetizedand a part of the colon and rectum of them was removed. TotalRNA was extracted and cDNA synthesis was performed. Finally,expression of mir۳۷۳ and LncRNA H۱۹ was quantifiedin relative method. Cytoscape software applied for design of thegene web including the studied molecules.Results: In this study, we detected about ۴fold decrease inthe level of LncRNA H۱۹ (P≤۰.۰۵, Sig.=۰.۰۰۰, FC=۰.۲۳۱).Expression change of mir۳۷۳ was not significant (FC=۰.۹۲۸,P≤۰.۰۵, Sig.=۰.۳۶۴) compared to the control group. Pathwaydesign confirmed the results of LncRNA H۱۹. It seem that theexpression changes of mir۳۷۳ is correlate with the other stagesof colorectal cancer.Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that olive oil can inhibitthe LncRNA H۱۹ gene expression that is involved in the primarystages of colorectal cancer development, however, oliveoil has no significant effect on the expression of mir۳۷۳. Thisresults is supported by previous reports about the role of mir۳۷۳in progress of colorectal cancer to the metastasis


Elaheh Raji

Deprtment of biology, Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University,Iran.

Ali Mohammad Ahadi

Deprtment of Genetics, Faculty of science, Shahrekord University,Iran

Hoda Ayat

Deprtment of Genetics, Faculty of science, Shahrekord University,Iran