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انتشار مقالات سومین کنفرانس دوسالانه نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی خلیج فارس
چهارشنبه، 12 آبان، 1400
1. Performance of a Pilot-Scale Vermifilter for Domestic Wastewater Treatment
2. Stability analysis of vertical well wall using numerical modeling in one of Iran's oil wells
7. Experimental Study of Biochemical EOR in Oil-wet Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs
11. Thermodynamic Modeling of H۲S Solubility in [BMIM][PF۶] Using SL, SRK and NB Equations of State
12. ارزیابی مسئولیت پذیری اجتماعی شرکت های نفتی مستقر در شهرستان عسلویه (رویکرد زیست محیطی)
13. Stretching Poly (lactic acid) extruded films at different drawing speeds and temperatures
16. Geochemical characteristics of Bangestan Reservoir in one of the S.W. Iranian Oilfield
17. A Brief Review of Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Materials, Properties and Performance
19. Mathematical Modeling of Counter-Current Spontaneous Imbibition in a Single Block
20. Methanol production from Glucose fermentation plant as feed stream
22. Assessing the effect of crushing on the X-ray diffraction pattern of the asphaltene sample
24. Energy audit and process simulation of a gas refinery stabilization unit
25. Two-dimensional mathematical modeling of a new generation of industrial ammonia synthesis reactor
26. Discharge of dense effluents containing suspended solids: A CFD analysis
27. Experimental investigation and prediction of pour point using artificial intelligence
28. Combination of electrocoagulation and electrooxidation for produced water treatment
29. review of low salt water injection in carbonate reservoirs to increase oil harvest
32. Flare radiation and dispersion consequence modeling; case study Ahvaz oneظoperational area flare
35. An Investigation of Various Salts and pH's Effect on Fine Migration in Sandstone Reservoirs
36. The Mitigation of Formation Damage in Seawater Flooding by Scale Inhibitors
37. Estimate of Thermal Conductivity Coefficient for CFCs by use of cubic equations(TKP Model)
38. Simulation and modeling of nitrate extraction in membrane contactors using COMSOL and MATLAB
39. Life cycle assessment (LCA) of phase change materials (PCMs): A mini-review on building applications
40. CFD simulation of top-fired steam methane reforming furnace
41. Investigation of Gas-Cap Effects on Pressure- Transient Response in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
44. Modelling of heat and mass transfer in DCMD: Study of membrane parameters
45. Application of ion exchange resins to reduce hardness, corrosion and scaling of drinking water
47. Simulation Investigation of Spontaneous Water Imbibition in a Matrix-Fracture System
48. Simulation Investigation and Interpretation of Carbonated Water Injection in a Single Matrix Block
49. Hydrogen produced in a multi-fuel process by methanol, dimethyl ether with catalyst CuO/CeO۲
50. Application of ceramic microfiltration membrane in separation of greywater
51. Experimental Reduction of Condensate Trapping by CaCO۳ Nanofluid Injection in Sandpacks
53. Fuzzy AHP-Based Decision Making for Prioritizing PET Chemical Recycling Methods
54. Investigation of drilling mud based on bentonite, Using sepiolite nanoparticles in it
55. XC Polymers in Drilling Mud
56. Estimation of energy demand in Bushehr province in the household sector using LEAP model
57. Effects of cast extrusion line speed on the crystallinity of LLDPE stretch films
59. Incentives for Combined Photovoltaic and Battery Storage System in Industrial Scale
61. Modification of the Natural Gas Dehydration Unit to Reduce BTEX Emission
65. Assessment of Different Factor on Remediation of TPHs Contaminated Soil
67. Optimization of wax inhibitor in one of Iranian oil fields
68. Impact of Anisotropic Permeability on Oil Recovery Using SP Flooding: A Simulation Approach
69. An Investigation Into the Effect of Fracture Opening on Empirical Foam Parameters
70. A CFD Analysis on Proppant Transport in Fracture for Foam-Based Fracturing Fluid
71. The deterioration of oil prices and its causes
72. A Thermoswitchable, Hydrophobically-Crosslinked Hydrogel as an Injectable Underwater Adhesive
73. Ternary Blend Nanocomposites with Two Types of Organoclays: A Study on Morphological Properties
75. Experimental Study of Water alternating- CO۲ Coreflooding Performance as Enhanced Oil Recovery
76. Comparison between Axial-Radial plate reactor and shell and tubes reactor for methanol synthesis
78. Fabrication and characterization of co-electrospun polycaprolactone/chitosan nanofibrous mats
79. Fabrication of platinum nanoparticles by fiber laser ablation in water
80. Predicting the carbon dioxide hydrate formation temperatures in the presence of amino acids
83. Ultrasonic-Assisted Solvent Extraction of Lipids from Microalgae
84. A Deep Learning Approach for Prediction of Dead Oil Viscosity
85. Fuel production form polypropylene through thermal pyrolysis process
86. Comparsion of thermal and catalytic pyrolysis for conversion of plastic to fuel
87. Petroleum Geology, oil pollution, and human health: Review of case studies in Bushehr province
90. Experimental Investigation of Immiscible Injection of CO۲ in the Sandstone Sand-packs
91. A review of technologies for the control of biological pollutants in the environment
92. Investigation of parameters affecting zeta potential
95. Optimization and recycling of wastewater in the cooling tower of Bidboland Gas Refining Company
100. Network Debottlenecking and Flow Assurance Optimization for an Offshore Field in Sout east Asia
103. Ethanol purification using carbon nanotube-filled polydimethylsiloxane mixed matrix membranes
104. Equivalent circulating density prediction using artificial neural network
105. Numerical simulation of CO۲-WAG process for proper design of operating parameters
107. Introducing a new method in energy optimization of n-butane and i-butane separation process
111. Usage of SAR images in oil spill detection, a case study in the Northern Persian Gulf
112. Analysing the Methods of Preparing Nanofluids for Enhanced Oil Recovery
114. PDMS mixed matrix membranes modified by graphene nanosheets for ethanol/water pervaporation
116. Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow in a Deformable Porous Medium Using Finite Element Method
117. The effect of brine’s salinity on the content of emulsion created in the oil and brine interface
119. Well Clustering and Association Rule Mining
120. Petrochemical wastewater pretreatment: A review
121. Petrophysical Evaluation of Fahliyan Reservoir Formation
122. Improving the Reliability and Economy of Hydrate Blockage Prevention Techniques
123. A Review on Sustainable Hybrid Water Treatment Processes
125. Application of ion-exchange resins in petrochemical industries
126. Simulation of the aerosol nucleation rate in an amine absorption column
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