
8 خرداد 1403 - خواندن 5 دقیقه - 84 بازدید

The topic of my complaint is about going to school and I also write about my personal experiences too; Both during my studies and My teaching. Going to school and getting an education is a child's right; As stated in Article 30th of our Constitution, the government is obliged to provide free education for everyone. We should not force our children to work. We must work for the welfare of this land and its children. What sin did the child commit to work instead of studying? The government is obliged to establish schools everywhere so that all students can easily attend classes, but this has not happened in Iran. Apart from the fact that there are no schools in some areas, in many places there are schools, but due to the lack of schools, each class has more than 35 students, which reduces the efficiency of the class . Despite the lack of schools, the government should not sell schools to the private sectors, let alone schools that are endowments, and if a school has severe erosion, then sell it immediately and take the money and start building schools in deprived areas . The school should be a place for students to have fun and study and have qualified scientific facilities such as a library and a laboratory, while there are none in our school. In this case, neither the children will be happy with this short entertainment, nor will there be a fun outside school activity such as camping. There is not a library, so students can’t read books in their free times and there is no workshop to be used for practical lessons, nor is there a laboratory to be used for science lessons. Regardless of these problems, school is a place to see friends, to be together, for children to socialize, and children should not be deprived of this place easily. As a teacher, I have problems at school. My students make a lot of noise in the classroom, they sometimes go crazy and they don't care at all what other students and so teachers are suffering. Managing 38 people in an hour and a quarter is really tiring, yes, if the children were good at listening and knowledgeable, it would be very heartwarming, but most of the time, especially after Covid-19, the children make a lot of noise and are not very good at learning 

In the school where I teach, indigence and cultural poverty prevails in the families and the children cannot study well and that is why they are so busy in class. the family abandon the children most of the times and does not care about them. The children nowadays are different from the past and their eyes and ears are open, they carry a lot of emotions with them in school and sometimes they are rude, which makes it difficult for teachers. In order to solve this problem, first of all, the governments must take action and secondly, conditions must be provided for the families so that the children grow well in all aspects, and in such a context, the children themselves will be trained up well, and the children should not be blamed for the problems above. In my opinion, children should not be beaten out of anger, but in some cases when the teacher feels that the control is out of his authority, a minor physical and apparent violence is not bad. Another problem is that the teacher, despite all these hardships, his salary is insufficient and not really enough. With this situation, teachers no longer have any time to study, in order to improve their teaching skills and they fill their free time by taking overtime and second jobs so that they don't have time for personal study to present in class and with this description, children also become illiterate and teachers too. The teachers unlike many other organizations, do not have any side benefits, and this is an injustice to the teacher. A person who becomes a teacher must be one of the competent people in his field, because it is difficult to get accepted in the recruitment exam, but the education system does not give value to the teachers. A teacher should not worry so much about his livelihood, but the education system won‘t allow it. I hope that one day will be freed the schools, students and teachers.