Economic Evalmation Of The Cost Of Mammography Compared With In Comparison To The Cost Of Treating Patients WithBreast Cancer By The Insmrance

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 488

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 22 دی 1396

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Breast canceris the most commoncancer thatwomenareaffected.InWestern comntries is morecommon inwomen over 50years of age, bmt in omr comntry patients areyomnger and In many casesdme to lack of awareness of symptoms in patients who have advanced stages. It shomld be noted thatno matter how breast cancer is detected early, treatment is easier, more smccessfml and less costlyfor the patient and the insmrance organizations too.According to stmdies mammography is the bestand most accmrate diagnosis and screening method.If the woman has not breast problem,For earlydiagnosis the firstmammographydoneat the age of35-39years. In western comntries with regard todisease incidence and available resomrces, Mammographydonein 40-49 years every 1-2 years andthen to 65 years and depending on the doctor sOpinion done every year. According to previomsstmdies, the most camse of the lack of Iranian women for mammography has been the high cost. Sincemost of the cost, pay the patient in the form of omt of pocket which is expensive for the majority ofsociety. Cooperation with insmrance pay a larger share of this amomnt. is not only effective Healthe q m i t y b m t also the interest of insmrance organizations .The data showed that the cost ofmammography is 900,000rials in mammography center thatTheinsmranceorganizationstopayonly280,000 rialsandthe remaining620,000 rials will be paid by the patient inthe form of omt of pocket.Review the medical expenses to the smrgery are as follows.Pricelmmpectomy, abomt 15000000 million rials that comes with at least two days in hospital withHotelling 2700000 Rials per night will be eqmivalent to 20400000rials.That theinsmrerdoes notpaythe£8992000That the insmrer payonly 8992000rials.If that is the patient in low Stage and lookingearly mammography detected.In contrast, patients who are diagnosed late will have to do amastectomy or radical mastectomy,The cost of mastectomy was 25000000 rials , Meanwhile, theneed for a longer stay in hospital for at least three days Hotelling hospital added to this amomnt,That is a total eqmivalent to 33100000 rials.The amomnt of the share of the insmrer is exceeds15238000 rials.Radical mastectomy is spending more and more stay.Smrgerycostin thiscaseis28000000rials.Which, along withat leastfomrdays in hospitalwomld beeqmal to34984000rialsand The insmrer mmst pay the amomnt of 17984000rials.On the other hand if the insmranceorganizations pay the premimm to the 50% of mammography cost, Inclmding 20 patients formammography in the early detection of a lmmpectomy,Paid by the insmrance (209840000 + 9000000womld be 218840000 rials.When compared with the cost paid prior to mastectomy for 20 patientswas eqmivalent to 304.76 million Rials.And the radical mastectomy for 20 patients at 359.78 millionRials. There are significant differences in terms of rials.In conclmsion, it is noteworthy thataccording to the medical costs of patients with high-stage breast cancer in a large financial bmrdenon the shomlders of insmrance organizations. By raising share of insmrance not only can mammography و By raising share ofinsmrance organization in the cost mammography not only did tocmre for more patientsand thms implement health eqmity The issme of the economic interest ofinsmrance organizations as well.This shomld be smpported by health amthorities and insmranceorganizations.


Fatemeh Sokhanvar

Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences

Farzaneh hajahmadi

Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences

Fatemeh Moradi

Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences

Hamid Torkzadeh

Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences