Taurine Diminish Reactive Oxygen Molecules as a Potential Cancer Progression Molecules in SK-NM-CCells

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 500

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 شهریور 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Taurine is a sulfonated B amino acid. There are substantial amount of taurine in some organsof body specially brain. As brain has highest vulnerability to ROS, taurine may help toscavenge free radicals by its antioxidant activity. In this study we try to evaluate antioxidantactivity and its role to control oxidative stress which is prominent in cancer development inbrain. First of all the ability of taurine to scavenge different free radicals was measured. Thenneuronal cells were treated by different ROS spices and taurine. Afterward the ability oftaurine to diminish macromolecules oxidation, amount of ROS production and cell viabilitywas determined. Taurine has the potential to be an antioxidant as it can scavenge freeradicals in different tests specially HOCI and hydroxyl ions. It is evaluated that taurine candiminish the amount of ROS conspicuously. Also taurine help to decrease the level of proteincarbonyl oxidation and lipid peroxidation. Taurine reduce the amount of MnSOD. Additionallytaurine has contradictory effect on cell viability in law concentration it reduce apoptosis incells and by elevating concentration of taurine apoptosis were increased. Elevated levelReactive oxygen molecules has pivotal role in progression of almost all cancers. Althoughcells are equipped by antioxidant system which help to scavenge and detoxify free radicals,this endogenous antioxidants system decrease in many cancers. Fortunately exogenousantioxidant such as taurine revitalizes cell condition. It help to subside the severity of ROSand in this way it can protect macromolecules boast macromolecules to have a normalfunction. As increasing level of MnSOD can decrease cell proliferation, it is assumed thatlowering of MnSOD can reduce cell growth rate which is one important destination incontrolling cancer.


Razieh Yazdanparast

University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Elham Parandavar

University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran