Bioenergy Economy and Psychoimmune enhancement; A system approach to cancer prevention

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 847

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 شهریور 1395

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The vast variety and huge number of biological, and psychosocial facts theories and services aroundcancer, necessitates systemic models for more comprehensive explanation and sustainable careservices. (Henkins, Fallow field, Saul 2001) From a biomedical viewpoint, cancer is a cytologicalproblem which is originated from a mutation or error in DNA replication and of course escaping of aneoplastic cell from immune system control. In a systemic schema this is only a detail of the wholebiopsychosocial picture. All the levels of organization from the somatic to the psychosocial levelsresponse to this biological disturbance and this casual network will from the illnessexperience.(Fritzche K, Frahm G, Monsalve SD, Afshar Zanjani H, Goli F (2014), Psycho-oncolog in:Fritzche L, Mc Daniel S, Wirsching M(Eds), Psychosomatic Medicine : An International primer forthe primary care setting, Springer, New York. In addition to type, stage and grade of cancer, patient’sacceptance, attribution styles, coping strategies mood and affect, personality traits, family functionand social support determine the whole organism response to illness and its prognosis. Bioenergyeconomy follows the energy-information through and between bodies and focused on how to lead thiscurrent to a more coherent self organizing level.In this model, cancer defines a misinterpretation of aneoplastic cell as a normal one by immune cells which could be initiated and maintained bymisleading of energy-information flow that leads to a more unstable psychoneuimmunologic state.(see: Goli 2010) In such a systemic and life threatening problem, to maintain and re-s+ablish thepsychoneuro immunologic stability, seems more cost-benefit than exclusive offensive approach to themalignant cells.(Fernandes-Taylor,Bloom 2010) Bioenergy economy like other systemic care modelsattempts to reorganize bodily, cognitive and emotional processings, illness and health behavior, selfawareness,family function and social skills, in order to complement chemophysical therapies. Thiscare model is not disease-oriented but focused on enhancement of salutogenesis and adjusted byparticular personal, familial and cultural properties of each client. (Goli 2010) Releasing body fromtensions and armors not only saves energy but also switches off many destructive signals which couldinitiate hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and psychoneur immunedogic (PNI) discharges andrelated responses. Thus, reprocessing of energy-information flow by body economy techniques canmake PNI system more organized and flexible.


Farzad Goli

Iranian Institute of Health and Knowledge, Isfahan, Iran