Designing a profit and loss Prediction model for health companies using data mining

سال انتشار: 1400
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 183

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 مرداد 1401

چکیده مقاله:

Introduction: Earthquakes, one of the most important natural disasters of the earth, have always caused irreparable damage to human settlements in short time. One of the most important issues that we face after an earthquake is the transfer of earthquake victims and traumatized civilians to safe places and medical centers. The city of Mashhad with different geographical faults and the presence of enormous religious, cultural, historical and industrial assets make Mashhad the most dangerous city in terms of earthquake hazards. In the ۹th district of this city, the existence of worn-out structures along the narrow passages and the importance to save time in providing relief proves the need to locate temporary accommodation centers and allocate the injured to safe places.Material and Methods: The process of optimizing the accommodation of people includes ۲ main steps ۱) Determining candidate locations for temporary accommodation ۲) Optimal allocation of population blocks (origin). The weight of criteria was calculated using the pairwise comparison method. Then suitable places for deployment are identified. Criterion in the form of giving a specific weight to each, in order to prepare the final map, is of importance. Accordingly, the opinions of experts in the field of urban crisis management have been utilized. Subsequently, using GAMS software and ۷ super-innovative algorithms such as SA, PSO, ICA, ACO, ABC, FA, LAFA.Results: The average process time and cost of ۷ algorithms out of ten random problems with ۱۰۰۰ repetitions, and an average of ۱۰ execution times show, that the ۳ algorithms ACO, ABC and LAFA have lower cost and process time than the other meta-innovative algorithms. Therefore, we use the above three algorithms to solve the case studyConclusion: Finally, the LAFA optimization algorithm had obtained a better and more appropriate result due to its execution time and cost being less than the other two algorithms.


Farideh Mardaninejad

Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Art university of Isfahan, Iran