مقالات مجله مکانیک کاربردی و محاسباتی، دوره 7، شماره 2 منتشر شد

یکشنبه، 9 خرداد، 1400
مقالات مجله مکانیک کاربردی و محاسباتی، دوره 7، شماره 2 منتشر شد
مجموعه مقالات مجله مکانیک کاربردی و محاسباتی، دوره 7، شماره 2 که در سال 1400 منتشر شده بود با تعداد 55 مقاله در پایگاه سیولیکا (CIVILICA.com) نمایه سازی و منتشر شد.
مجله مکانیک کاربردی و محاسباتی (Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics) توسط دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز به صورت فصلی از سال 1394 منتشر می شود.
لیست و عناوین مقالات نمایه شده از دوره 7، شماره 2 این ژورنال به صورت زیر می باشد:

1. Approximate Solutions of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillations: ‎Stability Analysis

2. Multiscale Numerical Modeling of Solute Transport with Two-‎Phase Flow in a Porous Cavity

3. Comparative Study of Plane Poiseuille Flow of Non-isothermal ‎Couple ‎Stress Fluid of Reynold Viscosity Model using Optimal ‎Homotopy ‎Asymptotic Method and New Iterative Method

4. Variational Principles for Two Compound Nonlinear Equations ‎with Variable Coefficients

5. Meshfree Collocation Method for the Numerical Solution of ‎Higher Order KdV Equation

6. The Method of Lines Analysis of Heat Transfer of Ostwald-de Waele Fluid Generated by a Non-uniform Rotating Disk with a Variable Thickness

7. On the Dynamics of the Logistic Delay Differential Equation with ‎Two Different Delays

8. In-Plane Shear-Axial Strain Coupling Formulation for Shear-‎Deformable Composite Thin-Walled Beams

9. Design of Cooling Water System (CWS) for CRAFT Lower Hybrid ‎Current Driven (LHCD) System‎

10. Close Loop Design in Glucose Insulin Model with Effect of ‎Physical Exercise

11. Random Walk Particle Tracking for Convection-diffusion ‎Dominated Problems in Shallow Water Flows

12. Numerical Analysis of the Deformation of a Shearing Machine ‎Tool under Excessive Blade Clearance

13. Free Vibration Analysis of FG Porous Sandwich Plates under ‎Various Boundary Conditions

14. Heat Transport Exploration of Free Convection Flow inside ‎Enclosure Having Vertical Wavy Walls

15. Computational Study of Flow around ۲D and ۳D Tandem Bluff Bodies

16. Uniformly Convergent Numerical Method for Two-parametric ‎Singularly Perturbed Parabolic Convection-diffusion Problems

17. Effects of Non-Linear Thermal Radiation and Chemical Reaction ‎on Time Dependent Flow of Williamson Nanofluid With Combine ‎Electrical MHD and Activation Energy

18. A Robust Three-Level Time-Split MacCormack Scheme for Solving ‎Two-Dimensional Unsteady Convection-Diffusion Equation

19. Conformable Double Sumudu Transform with Applications

20. Conjugate Mixed Convection in a Horizontal Cylindrical Duct under the Solid Shell Internal Heat Generation

21. Axisymmetric Problem of the Elasticity Theory for the Radially ‎Inhomogeneous Cylinder with a Fixed Lateral Surface

22. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Heat and Mass ‎Transfer Processes for Determining the Optimal Design of an ‎Accumulator with Phase Transformations

23. Analytical Simulation for Transient Natural Convection in a ‎Horizontal Cylindrical Concentric Annulus

24. Non-linear Radiation and Navier-slip effects on UCM Nanofluid ‎Flow past a Stretching Sheet under Lorentzian Force

25. Robust P-H∞ Integrated Controller for Flexible Link Manipulator ‎System in the Presence of Disturbance

26. A General Multibody Approach for the Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Bicycle Systems. Part I: Methods of Constrained Dynamics

27. A General Multibody Approach for the Linear and Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Bicycle Systems. Part II: Application to the Whipple-Carvallo Bicycle Model

28. A Novel Fractional-Order System: Chaos, Hyperchaos and ‎Applications to Linear Control

29. An analytical Technique for Solving New Computational ‎Solutions of the Modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov ‎Equation Arising ‎in Electrical Engineering

30. Numerical Study and Geometric Investigation of Corrugated ‎Channels Subjected to Forced Convective Flows

31. Analytical Expressions for the Singularities Treatment in the ‎Three-dimensional Elastostatic Boundary Element Method

32. Laminar Flow Control and Drag Reduction using Biomimetically ‎Inspired Forward Facing Steps

33. New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions for Fractional Order System ‎Describing the Second Grade Fluid through Medium with Heat ‎Transfer‎

34. The Rank Upgrading Technique for a Harmonic Restoring Force ‎of Nonlinear Oscillators

35. Nonlinear Control for Attitude Stabilization of a Rigid Body ‎Forced by Nonstationary Disturbances with Zero Mean Values

36. Sensitivity Analyses of Structural Damage Indicators and ‎Experimental Validations

37. Design Optimization and Experimental Validation of Low-Cost ‎Flat Plate Collector Under Central Qasssim Climate

38. Finite Element and Experimental Investigation on the Effect of ‎Repetitive Shock in Corrugated Cardboard Packaging

39. Structural and Aerodynamical Parametric Study of Truss-Core ‎Gas Turbine Rotor Blade

40. Impacts of Volume of Carbon Nanotubes on Bending for Carbon-‎Kevlar Hybrid Fabrics

41. Method of Unsteady Hydrodynamic Characteristics ‎Determination in Turbulent Boundary Layer

42. Schmidt-Ishlinskii Yield Criterion and a Rotating Cylinder with a ‎Rigid Inclusion

43. Thermoelastic Memory-dependent Responses to an Infinite Medium ‎with a Cylindrical Hole and Temperature-dependent Properties

44. Moving Least Squares Method and its Improvement: A Concise Review

45. Parameter Estimation in Population Balance through Bayesian ‎Technique Markov Chain Monte Carlo

46. Diffusion-thermo Effects in Stagnation Point Flow of Second ‎Grade Fluid past a Stretching Plate

47. Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Hyperbolic Paraboloidal Shells ‎Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes with Various Distributions

48. Applicability Evidence of Constructal Design in Structural ‎Engineering: Case Study of Biaxial Elasto-Plastic Buckling of ‎Square Steel Plates with Elliptical Cutout

49. Unsteady MHD Mixed Convection Flow of Water over a Sphere ‎with Mass Transfer

50. Nonlinear Biodynamic Models of the Hand-arm System and ‎Parameters Identification using the Vibration Transmissibility or ‎the Driving-point Mechanical Impedance

51. Two-Dimensional Numerical Study of the Transient Flow ‎Conditions in Complete Shock Tunnel‎

52. Fatigue Life Analysis of Bus Body based on User Target Load Spectrum‎

53. Solution of the Problem of Analytical Construction of Optimal ‎Regulators for a Fractional Order Oscillatory System in the ‎General Case

54. Influence of Pressure on the Frequency Spectrum of Micro and ‎Nanoresonators on Hinged Supports

55. Quasi-bifurcation and Imperfection-sensitivity of Cylindrical ‎Shells under Pressures due to an Explosion