A Comparative Terrorism in the Analysis of Criminal Policy of iran and usa

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 828

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 خرداد 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Although terrorism is not a new phenomenon and history is replete with acts of terrorism, and security and life of countless innocents has been deprived or threatened by terrorists; But it’s just a few decades that considering the extent and characteristics of the phenomenon of terrorism, it has become one of the most controversial issues of international, regional and domestic concerns. Although today all countries condemn terrorism unanimously, unfortunately terrorism has become more of a political than legal concern. Law is the most important tool that a criminal policy can have. Since this study was to investigate the criminal policy of terrorism in the laws of Iran and America; Legislative criminal policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in connection with terrorism has been passive and legislator has not criminalized this criminal phenomenon. In Iran’s criminal law, there is not an independent criminal title for terrorism. But one of the biggest crimes against the security of society, which has a strong retribution reaction in the Islam religion, is the crime of fighting against God and making corruptions on earth. Throughout history, particularly after the Islamic Revolution, Iran has been the target of many terroristic offenses, but in Iran’s law this ominous phenomenon has never been taken seriously. Given that currently thirteen international documents on fighting against terrorism enacted, Iran has only joined six of them; four documents before the revolution and two documents after the revolution. On the other hand, America s approach against terrorism is a justifying and advertising movement. With magnifying a local event or taking advantage of a scheduled plan, America seeks to abuse and reach its secret goals, which in this paper we discuss it in detail


Marzieh Alishahi

Department of law, Sirjan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran.

Javad salehi

Assistant professor ،Department of law، payam noor university ،Tehran، Iran.