Woman :The focal point in Islamic awakening

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 472

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 اردیبهشت 1396

چکیده مقاله:

The major aim of this study is to identify the focal role of women in Islamic awakening movements and to show their influence to make a felicitous or wretched nation.Today there are certain realities in the world which are undeniable. The first reality is the awakening of the world of Islam. Nobody can dispute this reality. Today Muslims throughout the world – whether they live in Islamic countries or in countries where they are in minority – are exhibiting a strong tendency towards Islam. They feel that their Islamic identity is being revived. Undoubtedly the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the establishment of a government which was independent of the west and the east and promoting the policy of resistance against the arrogant powers have been the most important source of hope for nations of the world during the past ten years. These realities gave hope to the people of the world, especially Muslims. These realities awakened the people of the world. This had been preordained by God. Muslims should become unified and overcome their geographic, local, linguistic and racial differences, and they should move towards the great Islamic goals. Islam regards men and women as being of the same essence created from a single soul. The Quran, in addressing the believers, often uses the expression, believing men and women to emphasize the equality of men and women in regard to their respective duties, rights, virtues and merits.So the woman is one of the primary and most influential factors in the Victory of Islām, with the condition that she fulfills her role with complete courage and sacrificeThere are many reasons that show the importance of women s participation in Islamic awakening movements.

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Sharareh Sadat Sarsarabi

Assistant professor,Teacher Training college(Farhangiyan University),Mashad,Iran.

Zahra Ahmadi Afzadi

Professor in Payam Nur University, PhD student of theology