Background: Tobacco smoke contains more than ۷۰۰۰ chemicals, including over ۷۰ known tocarcinogens. The harmful effects of smoking on women's bodies have been proven, such asreduced fertility, irregular or absent menstrual cycles, and an increase in sexually transmitteddiseases, including Trichomonas vaginalis.
Smoking is associated with infectious diseases, leadingto increased prevalence and mortality. Now the fight against tobacco is one of the priorities of thehealth system. This habit is one of the most serious threats in the modern world, both for healthand socio-economic reasons. Mechanisms of susceptibility to infection in smokers may involvechanges in the host's structural, functional, and immunological defenses.
Smoking is one of themain risk factors for infections in the respiratory tract, digestive tract, reproductive tract and othersystems in humans and increases their prevalence.Trichomonas vaginalis is one of the three nonviralsexually transmitted diseases and the most common curable sexually transmitted infection inthe world, which can increase the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, HIV transmission andpremature birth. This infection is still relatively common, especially in women who smoke and ingroups with lower socioeconomic status.Methods: electronic searches of online databases such as Pup Med and Google were used toidentify and extract research articles related to smoking and its association with Trichomonasvaginalis infection. We aimed to present a compressive review of probability of being infectedwith Trichomonas vaginalis in smokers compared to non-smokers.Results: A person's smoking status is an independent risk factor for trichomonas infection andleads to an increased likelihood of developing this infection.Conclusion: Finally, the results of various studies showed that the prevalence of Trichomonasvaginalis infection is higher in smokers than in non-smokers.