Investigating the Effect of Professional Ethics on Efficiency and OrganizationalCommitment from the Viewpoint of Managers

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 741

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 آذر 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Aim: Organizationalcommitment and professional ethics have asignificant effect on manager’s performance andorganizational results. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the relationship between professionalethics and organizational commitment of manager’sin Schools Renovation Organization of Farsprovince.Materials and Methods: This descriptive study wascorrelative one conducted in 2017. The studycovered 50 managers Schools RenovationOrganization of Fars province, they were randomlyselected. The used tools were three standardquestionnaires including Petti (1995) professionalethic questionnaire, Allen and Myer organizationalcommitment questionnaires and organizationalefficiency and personnel questionnaires. Data wereanalyzed using SPSS (V. 24) software, descriptivestatistics and Pearson correlation coefficient at thesignificant level of p > 0.05.Results: The results showed that There was asignificant relationship between professional ethicswith Collective spirit on organizational Efficiency.Also results showed that professional ethic has not arelationship with organizational commitment andit’s three dimensions (Affective, Continuance,Normative).Conclusion: According to the positive effects ofprofessional ethics, the School RenovationOrganization considers it to be one of the key factorsfor the success of its organization. Any amount ofprofessional ethics in this organization will be takeninto consideration by managers and staff. Theorganization will have more success in achieving itsgoals.


Omid Rezaei

Department of Management; Zand Institute of Higher Education; Shiraz

Marzieh Yari Zanganeh

Department of knowledge and information science; Islamic Azad University; Marvdasht Branch; Marvdasht, Iran