The aeolian-accumulative complex Sarykum as a unique geomorphic object of Northern Eurasia

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 354

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 آذر 1395

چکیده مقاله:

The aeolian-accumulative complex Sarykum (or Sarykoom) is the biggest in Russia and one of the highest isolated sandy landforms in Eurasia with total area over 2500 ha. It is the whole system of sandy knolls and dunes, ridge sands located in the NE Caucasus foothill within the Terek-Sulak plain (western coast of the Caspian Sea), 16-17 km towards NW from the Makhachkala City seaport (Republic of Daghestan, Russia) (see the photo). The origination and age of the sands, of which Sarykum massif has been formed, are still a big mystery. The existing hypotheses of the Sarykum sands genesis (from those that considered the Sarykum as a relic phenomenon of the vast Central Asia deserts, widely stretched along the Caspian lowland, to aeolian versions explaining the origin by wind transportation from the Central Asia’s sandy deserts (namely the Karakums) across the Caspian Sea, or by weathering of indigenous sandstones composing the Foothill Daghestan and/or the loose pebble-clay-sandy deposits of high marine terraces of the Caspian Sea) are described and critically evaluated in the paper. Also the critical assessment to coastal-marine and relatively exotic volcanogenic versions is done. However despite the scientific probability of most of these hypotheses none of them cannot convincingly answer the simple question: why did it happen here – on the banks of the Shura-Ozen' River, at the exit site of the river from the Foothill Daghestan to the Caspian lowland? The author puts forward his own version of the sands genesis: originally, prior to their partial aeolian transformation, the Sarykum sands were the deltaic deposits of the Shura-Ozen' River. The denudation area which supplied the sand material to the delta was the river basin upstream from the Kapchugai gorge of the Narat Tube ridge. According to one of the hypothesis scenario the sandy accumulation occurred in one of the stages of Late Pleistocene glaciation (presumably during the high Caspian transgression – Early Khvalyn' marine palaeo-basin, around 30+20 × 10 years ago) under the favorable conditions for intensive periglacial denudation of the ridge sandstones and deltaic sandy sedimentation. On the basis of granulometric and mineralogical analyzes the genetic interpretation of the Sarykum sands is given.The origination and age of the sands, of which Sarykum massif has been formed, are still a big mystery. The existing hypotheses of the Sarykum sands genesis (from those that considered the Sarykum as a relic phenomenon of the vast Central Asia deserts, widely stretched along the Caspian lowland, to aeolian versions explaining the origin by wind transportation from the Central Asia’s sandy deserts (namely the Karakums) across the Caspian Sea, or by weathering of indigenous sandstones composing the Foothill Daghestan and/or the loose pebble-clay-sandy deposits of high marine terraces of the Caspian Sea) are described and critically evaluated in the paper. Also the critical assessment to coastal-marine and relatively exotic volcanogenic versions is done. However despite the scientific probability of most of these hypotheses none of them cannot convincingly answer the simple question: why did it happen here – on the banks of the Shura-Ozen' River, at the exit site of the river from the Foothill Daghestan to the Caspian lowland? The author puts forward his own version of the sands genesis: originally, prior to their partial aeolian transformation, the Sarykum sands were the deltaic deposits of the Shura-Ozen' River. The denudation area which supplied the sand material to the delta was the river basin upstream from the Kapchugai gorge of the Narat Tube ridge. According to one of the hypothesis scenario the sandy accumulation occurred in one of the stages of Late Pleistocene glaciation (presumably during the high Caspian transgression – Early Khvalyn' marine palaeo-basin, around 30+20 × 10 years ago) under the favorable conditions for intensive periglacial denudation of the ridge sandstones and deltaic sandy sedimentation.On the basis of granulometric and mineralogical analyzes the genetic interpretation of the Sarykum sands is given.


Artem V Gusarov

Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Kazan Federal University, Russia