Antioxidant effect of plant extracts on phospholipids levels in oxidatively stressed male reproductive organs in mice

سال انتشار: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 395

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 شهریور 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Background: High content of phospholipids in testes and epididymis is involved in regulation of spermatogenesis. On the other side, it makes testes susceptible to oxidative stress due to lipid peroxidation, which alters the normal mechanism of spermatogenesis. Objective: In the present investigation, antioxidant effects of ethanolic extracts of parsley, lettuce and brahmi were tested against D-galactose induced oxidative stress in mouse testes and epididymis.Materials and Methods: Oxidative stress was induced in six months old mice by injecting a low dose of D-galactose. Antioxidant effect of plant extracts was studied in testes and epididymis of oxidatively stressed mice in conjunction with thin layer chromatographic separation of phospholipids and quantitative estimation of phospholipid phosphorus.Results: The results showed decrease in total phospholipids content and level of phospholipid phosphorus in the testes and epididymis of D-galactose stressed mice. The administration of plant extracts along with D-galactose showed no significant alterations in the phospholipids content in testes and epididymis.Conclusion: Decreased phospholipids and phospholipids phosphorus in testes and epididymis of D-galactose stressed mice indicates peroxidation of lipids due to injection of D-galactose. The plant extracts helped to maintain the level of peroxidation in these organs even under stressed condition. It is postulated that ethanolic extracts of parsley, brahmi and lettuce are protective against D-galactose induced oxidative stress in testes and epididymis.


Rahul B Patil

Department of Zoology, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, ۴۱۶ ۰۰۴ India.

Shreya R Vora

Department of Biotechnology Engineering, KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur, India.

Meena M Pillai

Department of Biotechnology Engineering, KIT’s College of Engineering, Kolhapur, India.