From Despair to Enduring Hope in Tennyson’s In Memoriam

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 659

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 12 تیر 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Alfred Lord Tennyson is the tongue of virility in a ground-breaking period of spiritualmisadventure and grief while presenting his inquisitive insights of world and a newhighway of philosophic believed in the protracted epigram, In Memoriam. Despair andlong-suffering hope are at ware in Tennyson's threnody In Memoriam. Afterward therelease of his companion, Arthur Hallam, while Tennyson is afloat in thorough grief andmet with defiance to his spiritual beliefs, he befit a stronger Christian who is full withconstancy in a God of love who will reunify him with his deceased friend. As theraconteur of the eclogue experiences a darkness of doubt he gain for a beam of knowledge , from despair to enduring hope, to prevent him. These two vary forces snipsnapwithin the poem to reveal a speaker who is both faithful to and doubtful ofChristianity. The dichotomy of this dirge marks the poem as epic in its spike on theintent of darling and murder. A watchful discernment of the poem in union with Biblicaltexts uncover that Tennyson endured a immaterial alteration that increase his reliance inChrist and the inlet of a animation after release where he will enjoy the company ofHallam once again. In In Memoriam despair and hope get the cotter elements in theexamination of a mature answer from God.

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Behzad Pourqarib

Ph.D. Assistant Prof. of English Language and Literature Department of English Language and LiteratureGolestan University, Gorgan, Iran