A Comparison of Job Security of the Staff in the Public and Private Sports Clubs of Super League of Football in Iran

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 494

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 فروردین 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Background: The aim of this study was to compare the job security of the staff in public and private sports clubs of super league of football in Iran, conducted in 2009- 2010.Materials and Methods: The kind of the research was descriptive- comparative with applied aim and the research method was evaluative. The statistical society composed of all the staff in public and private sports clubs of super league of football in Iran (452) of who 200were selected via sample size formulation. The tool for data collection was a researcherdeveloped questionnaire with 35 closed items and with Likert Scale that its reliability was calculated by Confirmatory Factorial Analysis of %99 and its validity coefficient was calculated by Chronbach Alpha Coefficient of 0.89. Descriptive statistics including frequency, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics including Kolmogrov- Smirnovtest, Leven test, independent T, variance analysis, Scheffe test were analyzed by SPSS, version 16. Results and Discussions: The results showed that job security, emotional workplace, participation in decision making, job stability, lack of job stress, material satisfaction of thestaff in private clubs are more than those of the staff in public clubs and there was nomeaningful relationships between dimensions of job security of the staff in public and privateclub based on different educational levels, service record and age. Conclusion: But in public clubs of super league of football, there was a meaningful relationship according to the age of the staff in the attributes of being emotional of workplace, participation in decision making, material satisfaction and general job security.

کلیدواژه ها:

indiscipline ، Job security ، Participation in decision making ، Job security ، Material satisfaction ، Lack of job stress ، Sports club


Fatemeh Bagheri Kazem Abad

Department of Physical Education, Ahvaz University, Ahvaz, Iran

Parvin Shayganfard

Department of physical Education, Khorasgan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan, Iran

Masoud Shahsavandi Afousy

Department of Physical Education, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran