Investigation of present teaching performance assessment system problems and preposition of an appropriate model by technology: Sciencesclassrooms

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 448

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 اسفند 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Aim: This study aimed to compare teacher’s’ performance assessment via audio-video data with other Teaching assessment methods assessing teachers’ performance is a challenge in many countries, today, assessment is considered a determinant of effective quality in education. The given importanceof teachers’ quality, top managers have always attended to assessing their performance in this study, Video data were investigated as a modern teaching method besides detecting present system problems in order to provide scientific evidence for a teachers’ assessment method in the classroom.Methods: This case study utilized a qualitative approach. The required data were collected from videos recorded in four classrooms using semi-structured interviews. Target population included science teachers of junior high schools in Sanandaj, Iran, and eight science teachers video recording,and were selected as the a sample. Their remarks we are analyzed by inductive coding. Results: The following problems were cited by teachers as the main challenges of the present assessment method: (1) unskilled assessors (2) lack of suitable assessment criteria (3) lack of persistent assessment (4) discrimination and (5) uselessness of the results of assessment for teachers’ professional development.Regarding the agreeability of video data for performance assessment, we reached two categories and subthemes: (a) the strengths of video data method: (1) cooperative assessment, (2) recruiting experts, (3) self-assessment, (4) comprehensive assessment, (5) transferability of the experience, (6) professionaldevelopment of teachers, and (b) video data weaknesses: (1) artificial teaching, (2) fi increased stress (3) cost. Conclusion: Video data as a modern new way to evaluate teacher’s’ performance proved useful for evaluating the performance of teachers in the classroom in order to achieve the objectives of the performance Assessment system, and resolve the present problems.

کلیدواژه ها:


Mostafa Ghaderi

Department of Education, University of Kurdistan, Iran

Atefe Rigi

Department of Education, University of Kurdistan, Iran

Jamal Salimi

Department of Education, University of Kurdistan, Iran