Tilt-up as a precast System of Housing for Reconstruction of Bam after Earthquake

سال انتشار: 1383
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 2,094

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 آذر 1384

چکیده مقاله:

Bam lost more then 15000 of its residential units after the earthquake on 26 December 2003. The object of this paper is to provide the expert knowledge to design and administer the project management of the system housing construction of 4500 two floor (150 square meters) residential units over a period of 5 years starting with 150 in the first six months and gradually increasing production to 600 units per year. There is a connection technique, which has been published as No.5729 improving the ductility of reinforced concrete structure. This technique improved the ductility and resistance of the slab to shear wall connections of the reinforced concrete system housing. This result in high performance resistance of the structure to the earthquake loading. In this paper we attempted to explain about the patented connection and Tilt-up technology, opening up the opportunity for robust earthquake resistant buildings at a competitive cost, for fast track construction. The proposed designs are compliant to European and Iranian codes. Because Tilt-up acts both as structure and cladding it offers major benefits compared with other constructional forms, including competitive costs ,rapid construction, inherent fire resistance, security, durability, sound insulation, low air-penetration, easily sealed washable surface, high thermal mass and insulation, and scope for new architectural expression.

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Academic member at the Iran University of Science and Technology


Academic member at the Islamic Azad University,Tehran south Unit.

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