Variations in linear body measurements and establishing prediction equations for live weight of indigenous sheep populations of southern Ethiopia

سال انتشار: 1391
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 501

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 13 مرداد 1394

چکیده مقاله:

This study was conducted to describe variations in morphometrical traits and determine the usefulness of some linear body measurements in predicting body weight (BW) of indigenous sheep populations reared in KmabataTembaro-Hadiya (KTH), Wolaita (WOL), Gamogofa (GAG), Gurage-Silti (GUS) and Sidama-Gedeo (SIG) zones of Southern Region of Ethiopia. Data were obtained from 2712 sheep that were drawn from 928 households. The BW and height at withers (HW) in WOL and SIG ewes aged 1-2 years was significantly high compared to others. High chest girth (CG) values were obtained from SIG, GAG, and GUS ewes. Ewes of SIG, WOL, KTH and GAG had significantly high body length (BL). Significantly high CG values were obtained from SIG and GAG ewes. Rams of WOL, KTH and GUS had significantly high BW, BL and HW. Body weight of KTH, WOL and GAG ewes aged 1 year and above 2 years and rams is better estimated using CG alone. However, the best predictor for KTH, WOL and GAG ewes aged 1-2 years old were CG, HW and BL. In conclusion, CG was the primary variable to explain most of the variations in BW and can be used as reliable predictor for studied sheep types. SIG and WOL sheep had a relatively large body frame and emphasis may be given for their improvement.


A Melesse

Hawassa University, School of Animal and Range Sciences, Hawassa, Ethiopia

S Banerjee

Hawassa University, School of Animal and Range Sciences, Hawassa, Ethiopia

A Lakew

Mekele University, Department of Animal Range and Wilde Life Sciences, Mekele, Ethiopia

F Mersha

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Guraghe Zone, Ethiopia