Statistical Analysis of Power System Voltage Profiles
محل انتشار: چهاردهمین کنفرانس بین المللی برق
سال انتشار: 1378
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,652
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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 شهریور 1386
چکیده مقاله:
In the paper, a method for determining a natural- and optimal reference voltage-control bands (RVCB) of a voltage-controlled reactive power source is proposed. The method gives a solution to an optimal generator reference voltage setting problem for a wide range of power system loadings. Reference voltage settings of a particular generator exhibit a characteristic probability density function (PDF), which can be further exploited to obtain the RVCB. The method showed existence of a relatively narrow RVCB.
which is specific for each unit. According to the selected optimum criterion, the method could be used for determining the natural or optimal RVCB. of a generator. Controlling the generator voltage within this band yields an adequate voltage profile of a power system in a straightforward manner without any additional analysis. It is easy to extend the proposed method to other voltagecontrolled sources as well. To support the notion of natural- and optimal RVCB.- results of the Slovenian power system are presented.
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