Design a new method in nuclear fusion using electrostatic forces

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 63

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 15 مهر 1403

چکیده مقاله:

In general, different methods are used for nuclear fusion on a laboratory scale. However, these methods may fail to compete with other methods. In this study, these fusion methods have been discussed in general. These methods are divided into high-energy and low-energy categories, that is, they use high and low energy to perform nuclear fusion, respectively, and each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this research, a new method for nuclear fusion by electrostatic forces was designed. In this method, by using a cylindrical capacitor and creating a uniform and specific electrostatic charge on the capacitor plates in all directions, a regular network of dissolved ions is created between the capacitors and a cylindrical space in the water (without the water touching the capacitor plates in contact). that if the force between the plates of the capacitors is enough, it can cause nuclear fusion in an orderly manner. In fact, the target element can be specified by engineering the selected elements and the type of solubility in water, and because the order of ions in the aqueous solution will be regular, nuclear fusion will be formed. Also, considering that in this method, electrostatic force is used for nuclear fusion rather than energy, it places this method among the categories of low energy and without heat production, which itself can be the source of major developments in the future. In addition, if this method is successful, valuable elements can actually be produced in these capacitors, which is a special feature compared to other methods. The proposed design method includes innovative, simple, and very intelligent calculations. In addition, it will have much better features than other methods, such as simple implementation, which greatly reduces the cost of its construction.

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Mohammad Hossein Hashemian

Master of Thran University