Evaluation of Eurocode Provisions for Anchorage of Reinforcement Bars in Tension with End Hooks

سال انتشار: 1403
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 108

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 خرداد 1403

چکیده مقاله:

In Eurocode ۲ the anchorage length of tension bars with end hook is considered equal to the centerlinelength of the bar from the critical section to the end of the straight length after bend. Also, the same equationis used for development length of both straight and hooked bars. The anchorage strength of tension barsdepends on various parameters including concrete compressive strength, bar diameter, side cover, spacingbetween anchored bars, and confinements. In this paper, with the aim of examining the Eurocode ۲provisions, a statistical analysis has been conducted on the results of previous experimental studies. Theselected specimens for this analysis are specimens simulating beam-column joints without confining barsin the joint region. The test results include ۱۶۶ specimens containing anchored bars with diameters of ۱۶,۱۹, ۲۲, ۲۵, ۲۹, and ۳۶ mm. The concrete compressive strength ranges from ۱۸ to ۱۰۷ MPa, failure stressranges from ۱۵۹ to ۱۰۳۹, embedment length of anchored bars ranges from ۱۲۲ to ۶۶۰ mm and spacingbetween bars ranges from ۲ to ۱۲ times the bar diameter. The analysis results indicate that the effect ofconcrete compressive strength and nominal cover overestimated in the Eurocode۲ provisions, and foranchored bars with short length, Eurocode۲ provisions for development length of hooked bars in tensionare unconservative.


Mohsen Mohammadi Naserou

Sharif University of Technology International Campus, Kish Island, Iran,

Alireza Khaloo

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Mohammad Amir Najafgholipour

Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran