Targeted Glutathione-Sensitive Nanoparticles for Doxorubicin Delivery to Breast CancerCells

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 107

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 آبان 1402

چکیده مقاله:

Chitosan (Cs), a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer, has been widely used as a potential nanocarrier inrecent years. Although, the positive charge of the Cs has limited its utilization as an effective nanoparticle (NPs)for the positive charge drugs. So, loading the DOX, a positive charge anticancer drug, into chitosan-based NPsis challenging. Herein, we offer a Cs derivation polymer by covalent linkage to L-Cysteine (L-Cys) for reducingthe enhancing the entrapment efficiency (EE%) of DOX. Accordingly, the targeted DOX-loaded NPs basedon Cs-Cys copolymer with redox-responsive properties were synthesized. At first, the Cs-CysNPs-DOX weresynthesized by ion-gelation method, then they were targeted by Hyalouronic acid (HA). Ultimately, they werecharacterized in terms of size, zeta potential, EE%, and morphology. Also, in vitro drug release was analyzed.Overall, the suggested NPs demonstrated a high potential for targeted therapy and effective applications in biomedicalresearch.


Mahsa Babaei

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

Soheila Kashanian

Faculty of Chemistry, Sensor and Biosensor Research Center (SBRC), Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran،Nanobiotechnology Department, Faculty of Innovative Science and Technology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

Zahra Salemi

Department of Biochemistry, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran