The Role of Neurocognitive and Neuroimaging Studies in Modern Education: A Comparative Review

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 126

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 مرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

With the burgeoning field of neuroscience, new insights have emerged concerning the neurobiological mechanisms of learning. Despite these advancements, a significant gap exists in synthesizing neurocognitive and neuroimaging research to apply to modern educational practices. This review seeks to address this gap, providing a comprehensive analysis of ten seminal publications at the intersection of neurocognitive, neuroimaging, and educational research. By employing a comparative review methodology, this study endeavors to amalgamate the diverse body of knowledge across these articles, revealing the broader implications for educational contexts. The review begins with a clarification of key concepts, detailing the role and application of neurocognitive and neuroimaging research within an educational framework. The ensuing analysis illuminates diverse facets of this interdisciplinary field, from brain development and its influence on learning to the exploration of neuroimaging in the diagnosis and treatment of learning disorders. The analysis also highlights emerging themes such as the impact of socioeconomic factors on brain development and the integration of neuroscience in language teaching policies. Upon reviewing these studies, it is evident that neurocognitive and neuroimaging research holds vast potential for enhancing teaching methods and learning outcomes, although its application in educational settings remains a challenge due to various practical and ethical considerations


Maedeh hajiniya

Masters student( Department of biology, Faculty of cell and molecular biology, Kavian University, Mashhad)

Nafise sadat alavi gonabadi

Masters student (Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of medical microbiology, Kashan)

Fatemeh gholamzade

Bachelor student( Department of biology, Faculty of microbiology, University of Mysore, India)