A study on the effect of input data length on deep learning basedmagnitude classifier

سال انتشار: 1401
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 115

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 28 خرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

The rapid characterisation of earthquake parame-ters such as its magnitude is at the heart of Earth-quake Early Warning (EEW). In traditional EEW methods the robustness in the estimation of earth-quake parameters have been observed to increase with the length of input data. Since time is a crucial factor in EEW applications, in this paper we propose a deep learning based magnitude clas-sifier and, further we investigate the effect of using five different durations of seismic waveform data after first P-wave arrival– ۱s, ۳s, ۱۰s, ۲۰s and ۳۰s. This is accomplished by testing the performance of the proposed model that combines Convolution and Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory units to classify waveforms based on their magnitude into three classes– "noise", "low-magnitude events" and "high-magnitude events". Herein, any earthquake signal with magnitude equal to or above ۵.۰ is la-belled as high-magnitude. We show that the varia-tion in the results produced by changing the length of the data, is no more than the inherent random-ness in the trained models, due to their initialisa-tion.


Megha Chakraborty

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany.Institute of Geosciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Wei Li

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Johannes Faber

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany.Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe Universität, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Georg Rümpker

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany.Institute of Geosciences, Goethe-University Frankfurt, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Horst Stoecker

۱Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany۲Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe Universität, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany۳Xidian-FIAS international Joint Research Center, Giersch Science Center, D-۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt

Nishtha Srivastava

Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, ۶۰۴۳۸ Frankfurt am Main, Germany