De-Militarization of Language in Arabic Grammar Books and its Impact on Human Life

سال انتشار: 1402
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 163

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 9 خرداد 1402

چکیده مقاله:

SUBJECT AND OBJECTIVES: Sibawayh, a leading grammarian in ۸th Century used first time violent words and phrases such as “Izhaba, waqtala and wazrib” meaning “Go, and killed and hit”, and “Yazhabu, Yazribu, Yaqtilu and Yuzrib” meaning “He is going, hitting, killing and being hit” in his book “Al-Kitaab”. Since then, these types of words and phrases are being used in almost all the books of Arabic grammar. This article examines the concept and roots of militarization of textbooks and the effects of these words and phrases on human life and society.METHOD AND FINDING: In this research, content analysis has been used to quantify and analyze the presence of specific words and phrases used in Arabic grammar books, based on the psychology of words and human behavior. The words being used in our daily communication shapes human aura which has radiations that effects on emotional and physical state. A word, phrases and sentences carry not only meaning; but psychological effects, responsible to develop human Aura that influence human brain and personality.CONCLUSION: These words and phrases effect on human brain which leads people towards anxiety and irritability, consequently reduce human cooperation and collaboration in a significant manner. The nature of human thoughts depends on the words and phrases being used or heard and finally develop human aura that creates positive and negative energy in human. This research confirms adverse impact of negatives words and phrases on human life.


Kazim Raza Jamani (Pakistan)

Faculty of Islam, Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Morality, Education and Psychology, Department of Morality and Training, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran, and M.Phil in Education, Department of Education, Iqra University,

Dr. Abas-Ali Shameli (Iran)

Faculty of Islam, Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Morality, Education and Psychology, Department of Morality and Training, Head of Department, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran, and Macgil University, Canada

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