Dimension quality and the means to manage it

سال انتشار: 1383
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 1,301

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 تیر 1391

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This paper is prepared based on research works carried out at the Building and Housing Research ( BHRC ) regarding dimension coordination and effective factors on dimension comfort conditions for human beings. The objective is to achieve a quality for which, management tools are available considering anthropometric conditions ( for various functions ). Issuespresented in this paper are the preliminary steps toward basic comfort, achievedwhen products are made with dimension quality. This will lead to greatersatisfaction of industrial products on the part of end consumer.Efforts to obtain and utilize mechanisms to increase contentment of users, and application of these requirements by different producers of similar products, create special competitiveness conditions in which, human comfort is the very essence. When competitiveness proves sustainable, it becomes a common goal for all competitors. In this respect, a competitive market is created in which all innovations and creativities are applied to meet the needs and remove obstructions towards the objective. Provision of human comfort as a great objective in quality competitions results into evolvement of management tools to achieve the goal. Since design phase Precedes production, and that design requires having a system to measure and specify sizes, design of space, living gear, confines and activity maneuver areas requires tools by which to measure up sizes and dimensions. If human comfort is to be considered in this measurement system, then dimensions should be chosen on the basis of human body sizes and comfort function dimensions. This is also necessary for design of house appliances, and selection of their sizes. Emphasis on human physical comfort is due to the effects of physical stress on people, which in turn produces mental and psychological stresses and directs individuals to pay attention to their own selves. Combination of these factors decreases contentment. Identification and proper utilization of human dimensions are the means by which we can better control management over dimension quality. Improvement in dimension quality of products, especially in mass production (manual method or industrialized procedures) is indicative of optimal use of capital resources, thoughts, energy, and time. In comparison, a product that meets anthropometric and ergonomic requirements, enjoys an adequately better and more appropriate competitive position in the competitive conditions of internal and global markets. Therefore some points regarding the following issues have been prepared and offered in the context of quality management mechanisms towards sustained competitiveness. Hence in this paper the following issues are regarded: 1- Iranian anthropometric sizes (prepared from sizes of Iranian men and women) with the most application in architectural design, spaces and appliances. 2- Functional dimensions. 3- The procedure to use human dimensions to determine design and ergonomic sizes in the context of quality management machismos towards competitiveness.


Mojgan Nikravan Mofrad

Researcher & Member of Scientific Board of the Building and Housing Research