Influence of Intracerebral Administration of L-Arginine in Dorsal Hippocampus (CA۱) on WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ Induced State-Dependent Memory

سال انتشار: 1388
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 271

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 اردیبهشت 1400

چکیده مقاله:

Background and Objective: Cannabinoids are a class of psychoactive compounds that produce a wide array of effects in a large number of species. In the present study, the effects of bilateral intra-CA۱ injections of L-arginine on WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ induced state-dependent memory of passive avoidance task was examined in mice. Materials and Methods: One-trial step-down paradigm was used for the assessment of memory retention in adult male NMRI mice. Results: Post-training intra-CA۱ administration of cannabinoid receptor agonist, WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ (۰.۵ and ۱ µg/mouse), decreased the memory retrieval. The memory impairment induced by post-training administration of WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ (۱µg/mouse) was restored by pre-test administration of the same dose of the drug, showing the state-dependent memory of WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲. Single intra-CA۱ administration of L-arginine (۰.۳, ۱ and ۳ µg/mouse) ۵ min pre-test could not alter the memory retrieval. On the other hand, in the animals in which retrieval was impaired due to post-training administration of WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ (۱µg/mouse), pre-test intra-CA۱ administration of L-arginine (۱ and ۳ µg/mouse), ۲۴ hr after training restored memory retrieval. Furthermore, in the animals under influence of post-training administration of WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ (۱µg/mouse), pre-test co-administration of non-effective doses of WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲ and L-arginine, increased the restoration of memory by the pre-test WIN۵۵, ۲۱۲-۲. Conclusion: The findings of the present study suggest that NO system of dorsal hippocampus may play an important role in Win۵۵,۲۱۲-۲-induced amnesia and WIN۵۵,۲۱۲-۲ state-dependent memory.

کلیدواژه ها:

Key words: WIN۵۵ ، ۲۱۲-۲ ، State-dependent memory ، Step-down passive avoidance task ، L-arginine ، NO ، Mice


مرتضی پیری

Dept of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil branch, Ardabil, Iran

محمد ناصحی

Dept of Biology, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar branch, Semnan, Iran.

محمدرضا زرین دست

Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.