An analytical study of the role of municipalities in urban economy management

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 220

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 اسفند 1399

چکیده مقاله:

The prosperity of the city's economy highlights the role of municipalities because municipalities are considered local governments, and their actions and activities lead to the development or cessation of economic and socio-cultural growth of cities. Meeting the needs of citizens, providing welfare services and basically the infrastructure established by municipalities, all ultimately lead to the dynamism of the city economy and improve the welfare of citizens, so that municipalities meet the daily needs of the people and pave the way for the development of centers such as Chain stores and fruit and vegetable markets, on the one hand, improve the livelihoods of citizens and, on the other hand, create continuous and sustainable jobs. The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the nature and method of work. This study seeks to investigate the role of municipalities in the urban economy. Existence of existing potentials for using theoretical and empirical experiences of urban economics and the role that this science can play in determining the problems of cities and solving these problems, the importance of this field should be well recognized in our country, so city managers and policy makers And the planners of different departments should be well aware of the benefits and advantages of this field, so according to the influence of this field and its effects in urban environments, it is necessary to make changes so that the achievements of this field in urban management are clearly visible. And we witnessed the growth and prosperity of cities with a new approach, and the problems and difficulties of the country's cities, including poverty, informal settlements, traffic, etc., are reduced to a minimum, and we see a healthy and advanced environment for the sustainable development of the country's cities. One of the most important topics of the day is urban planning, let's move on.



PhD Student in governmental management Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan - Isfahan – Iran


PhD Student in Urban Planning and Master of Geography and Urban Planning with a focus on (Improvement and Renovation), Postgraduate and PhD ( Electroni c) Center of Payame Noor University of Isfahan – Iran


Master of Geography and Urban Planning (Urban & Rural), Center for Postgraduate Studies and PhD( Electronic )Payam Noor University of Isfahan-Iran


Expert in News Photography, Isfahan University of Applied Science and Art.Iran