بررسی صفات پرواری و خصوصیات لاشه سه توده بز بومی فارس (ترکی، دارابی و ممسنی)

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
زبان: فارسی
استان موضوع گزارش: فارس
شهر موضوع گزارش: شیراز
شناسه ملی سند علمی: R-1096918
تاریخ درج در سایت: 27 بهمن 1397
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
مشاهده: 139
تعداد صفحات: 100
سال انتشار: 1375

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چکیده طرح پژوهشی:

In this study, fattening performanc~ and carcass characteristics of native male kids in Fars province were studied using fCJctoriaJ with tow factor in completely randomize design. The first factor is ecotype (A) consist of Torfy (A1) , Darabi,(A2) and Mamasani (A3) , The second factor is energy level of feed stuff (B) including low (Bl), medium (B2Yand high (B3) energy with 1.9 , 2.1, and 2.3 Meal of M.E. per kg respectively. One hundered and seventeen head male kids at six month age were divided into nine experimental groups (A treatments x B treatments) of 13 lcids each. The rations I ,> were fed gradually over a preliminary period of 20 days, followed by 100 days during the fattening period. Forage and concentrate were mixed and fed four times in :1 day. Animals were weighted at first and once a twenty day period. At the end of fattening period, in each experimental groups, six kids slaughtered at random.. Data on fattening performance and carcass characteristics of experimental groups analized statistically. Average body weight at first of fattening period for Al,A2,A3,Bl,B2 and B3 treatments were 20.9, 20.2, 20.2, 20.6, 20.35 and 20.38 kg respectively. Average body weight at first of fattening period between goat ecotypes and diets were not statistically different. Average body weight at end of fattening period for this treatments were 29.4, 29.8, 28.4, 28,2, 29.55 and 29.88 kg respectively. Average body weight at end of fattening period between goat ecotypes were statistically different (p< %5), and also between diets were statistical1y different (p<%l). Average daily gains for Al,A2,A3,Bl,B2 and B3 treatments were 85, 96, 82, 76, 92 and 95 gr respectively. Feed intake(asfed) for this treatments were 0.9, 0.863, 0.825, 0.91, 0.9, 0.86 kg/head/day and FCR were 10.59, 9.18, 10.32, 11.96, 9.79 and 9.05 respectively. ADO between goat ecotypes were statistically different (p<%5), and also betwe~n diets had diferent significant effects(p<%l). Feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FC~) between goat ecotypes were not different ,but between diets were different. Dressing percentage of this treatments were 44.2, 43.8, 43.84, 43.59, 43.4, 44.87 % . Lean pecent were 74.1, 71.26, 71.04, 71.91, 72.28 , 72.21 % , fat depots percent were ..3.o6,- 4.38- 5.8- 3.77- 4.3- 4.72- % and bone percent were 20. 81-23. 65-23.14- 22.8- 22.7 respectively. Dressing percentage, meat, fat depots and bone perecent in carcass between goat ecotypes and diets were not statistically different. Intraction effects of A and B factors on fattening performance and carcass characteristics were not statisticaJ1y different. Due to resault of this trial about growth rate of Fars native kids, it may be souitable genetic progress with selection. In this tria! high energy diets had better ADG and FCR, so use of this diets in fattening were better.