مقایسه روش های مختلف تشخیص بیماری لوسمی گاو

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
زبان: فارسی
استان موضوع گزارش: البرز
شهر موضوع گزارش: کرج
شناسه ملی سند علمی: R-1096763
تاریخ درج در سایت: 27 بهمن 1397
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
مشاهده: 240
تعداد صفحات: 9
سال انتشار: 1375

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چکیده طرح پژوهشی:

several farms were selected around Tehran in order to find epizootie of bovine Leukosis disease and a number of dairy cows were bleed randomly in these farms . . the collected. blood specimen were centrifuged and sera were separated and kept in freezer before the experiment . - The collected sera were used in immunodiffusion test using known antigen in central well . positive sera in above and below wells and test sera in the reminder . . - The sera possessing antibody were recorded and two farms with high positive cases selected for further investingations . -A total of 200 sera and milk specimen were collected from the infected farms . I I . sera tested in immunodiffusion and milk in lact Elisa tests . - The positive results were compared in the two experiments . I - 50 specimen from every province were tested in immunodiffusion test and total incidence of the disease were recorded throughout the contry .