بررسی صفات کمی و کیفی ژنوتیپ های پیشرفته گندم دوروم درآزمایشهای مقایسه عملکرد یکنواخت اقلیم گرم جنوب کشور‭(ARDYT-W)‬

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
زبان: فارسی
استان موضوع گزارش: البرز
شهر موضوع گزارش: کرج
شناسه ملی سند علمی: R-1096700
تاریخ درج در سایت: 27 بهمن 1397
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
مشاهده: 204
تعداد صفحات: 31
سال انتشار: 1385

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چکیده طرح پژوهشی:

‭Due to genotype x environment interactions the performance of genotypes are not similar in different environments. To obtain stable cultivars of durum wheat for harsh environments and adaptable to drought, heat and other stresses,34 advanced genotypes were tested in Khorram abad ,Darab,Dezfool,Ahwaz and Zabol research stations at two separate experiments(ADYTWJ and ADYTW2) , using RCBD. At each station land preparation has been conducted according to technical recommendations. Each plot consisting of 6 rows with20 ems row spacing. At harvesting by omitting the beginning and the end of each plot, 6m2 was harvested. Seed rate was450 seeds/m2 which planted by experimental seeder. A mixture of Puma Super and Granestar was used for controlling of weeds. Phenological and agronomical characteristics such as days to heading and maturity, plant height, lodging and response to diseases CYeHow rust, Common bunt and ...) were recorded. After harvesting the yield data-of genotypes was analyzed and the means were ranked and finally 17 most stable lines were selected. ض‬