بررسی اثرات سطوح مختلف پروتیین و جیره غذایی بر شاخص های رشد ماهی شیربت ‭(Barbus grypus) ‬در مرحله بازاری

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
زبان: فارسی
استان موضوع گزارش: تهران
شهر موضوع گزارش: تهران
شناسه ملی سند علمی: R-1095615
تاریخ درج در سایت: 27 بهمن 1397
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
مشاهده: 245
تعداد صفحات: 100
سال انتشار: 1388

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This study was done is two phases , to determine required suitable level of protein and energy for Barbus grypus to get maximum growth to market size. Phas 1-finger ling phase Treatments with thriplicate in different level of protein (25,30,35 percentage) and different level of digestable energy (kcal/100 gr 250,300,350)were used. also the effect of mentioned diets on fish growth by calculating (WG,FER,FCR,SVR,PER,SGR) was studied. 9 treatments with thriplicate random group of 15 fish per 300 liter tank the mean of were stuclied for 60 days. Body weight was (29.68 0.19gr). The results showed that in constant protein levels growth parameters imporoved to a special level with in Creaseing energy level but in constant. Protein decrease with in crase in energy level. The result of caracass showed energy,protein,fiber and lipid caracass increased with increase in protein and energy, ash level of diet,on the other hand the mentioned diets had meaningfull effect on biochemical composition of caracass except (protein and ash). The best protein level was (%30)and suitable energy level was (250 Kcal/100gr). Phase 2:Growout stage The best diets (P30%) and (250Kcal/100gr)and (p350%),(300kcal/100gr),(p35%)(350Kcal/100gr)was determind of second phase. These three suitable diets 3 treament in a soil pond 160m with primary weight 98.3 23 in 60 day. Siqnificant different bet ween treatments were obsereved based on WG,FER,FCR,SVR,PER,SGR Indices. There were no Siqnificant different in (fish body composition)in second phases of experiment. The level of energy,protein,fiber and lipid. In fishes body were increased with in increasing the diet protein. Finally, according to mean valves,30% protein level and (250 Kcal/100gr) energy for barbus grypus are suggestedias the best levels. Key word: Barbus Grypus,protein,energy,fingerling,grow out stage, diet This document