مطالعات تفصیلی دقیق خاکشناسی و طبقه بندی اراضی ایستگاه تحقیقات کشاورزی خرم آباد-ارومیه-استان آذربایجان غربی.

نوع محتوی: طرح پژوهشی
زبان: فارسی
استان موضوع گزارش: تهران
شهر موضوع گزارش: تهران
شناسه ملی سند علمی: R-1071910
تاریخ درج در سایت: 27 بهمن 1397
دسته بندی علمی: علوم کشاورزی
مشاهده: 279
تعداد صفحات: 52
سال انتشار: 1383

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چکیده طرح پژوهشی:

‭A super detailed soil survey and land cJassification of Khorram Abad (Urmieh) agricultural research station area is completed at the scale of I : 2500 , based on air, photo analysis and field work, performed during the months Shahrivar and Mehr ,1382.The area is located about 20 Kms of town ofUrmieh.The survey was conducted at the request of West Azarbayjan Agricultural research center. The purpose of this investigation is to delineate and to classify the lands as regards their suitability for irrigated agriculture and dry farming as a base to determine the feasibility or acceptability for the execution agricultural designs. The sqrvey was conducted by cngineers P.Ammary (leader) and N.Ghaemian under: overall supervision of eng.M.Baghdadi. The analytical work was done in the soil and water department laboratory at. Urmieh. -, The area is covering the following classes of land for irrigation: 3.3125 ha(27.0 %), of class 11, moderate irrigabJe Iand( with small Jimitations). 3.4375 ha (40.2 %) , of class III , marginal irrigable land(with moderate limitations). 2.8125 ha (32.8 %), of class IV , restricted irrigahle. irrigab]e under special conditions and for certain crops. The total area ofland classes II & III& IV is 8.5625 l1a,( 100 %),ofwhich 6.7500ha, (67.2 %) is of irrigable land classes II & III . The organic carbon percent in the topsoils is varying from 0.69 to 0.87 percent. The parent materials are mainly derived from Oligocene sediments. The Khorram Abad (Urmieh) agricultural research station lands and gi'ound watei's (surface and under ground) are not saline & a]kalinc: their electrical conductivity varies from 0.22 to 0.53 dsim. The pH of the soils varying ‬ذ‭'om 7.7 to 8.0 and mostly is 7.8 The principal limitations for land classes are; Great avera I and Transversal slopes, severe microrelief and moderate water erosion.‬