The analysis of the systematic status of Capoeta aculeata, using COI gene

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 231

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 7 تیر 1399

چکیده مقاله:

Few studies have been conducted on the systematic of the Qanat fish in Iran. Capoetais one of the cyprinid fish genera that has a wide distribution in Iran. In this study thesystematic status of Capoeta aculeate in Qanats of Naieen-Ardestan region wascompared to the Labeonin and barbin species. Based on the results among theanalyzed species, C. capoeta was the closest species to C. aculeate. Capoeta speciesnested with high boostrap support (94, 99, 100 %) in Luciobarbus and Barbus groupin the neibour-joinig tree, which is concordant with previous studies on Capoeta. Thesmall genetic distance between C. capoeta and C. aculeate shows the closeevolutionary relationship between them. Assuming a 1% molecular clock rate forCOI gene it can be mentioned that C. capoeta and C. aculeate have diverged in 1.9MYA from one another and in 6.4 MYA from Luciobarbus, and in 9.5 MYA fromBarbus.


Osameh Babaei

Fisheries Department, University of Shahre Kord, ShahreKord, Iran

Iraj Hashemzadeh Segherloo

Fisheries Department, University of Shahre Kord, ShahreKord, Iran

Razieh Purahmad

Genetic Department, University of Shahre Kord, ShahreKord, Iran

Mojtaba Pouria

Fisheries Department, Kermanshah, Iran