Nano bio DNA Chips (Microarrays nanochips) Are a New Alternative to Nanochips (RNA-seq, a combination of RNA and NGS) _ Please pay more attention to this article

1 تیر 1403 - خواندن 3 دقیقه - 39 بازدید

Note: Nano bio DNA chips (Microarrays nanochips) are a set of microarrays of small test sites that are placed on a solid substrate and allow many tests to be performed simultaneously in order to be able to achieve higher speed.  Typically, the surface area of ​​a nanochip is no larger than a fingernail.  Like a computer chip, which can perform millions of mathematical operations in a second, a nanobiochemist can perform thousands of biological reactions, such as decoding genes, in a few seconds.

Micocarrays nano chips have been the technology of choice for extensive gene expression studies.  Although microarray technology continues to advance, and has expanded dramatically over the past few years, due to the availability of new alternative technology, such as RNA-seq combining RNA and NGS, and the advancement of next-generation nanobiochips, many It is considered important.

Biological nanochip (microarray nanochip)   is a small version of the laboratory that uses more than hundreds of biochemical reactions simultaneously.  They are specifically designed to function in a biological environment, especially inside living organisms.  This is not an electronic device.  Biochips nano consists of millions of biosensors that are used as nanoreactors to detect specific analytes such as enzymes, proteins, biological molecules, and antibodies. The biological microchip (nano chip) nano bio chip  has various probes such as DNA, RNAi, protein fragments, etc., which are indicated by a point on the chip.

Biological nanochips (Microarray microchips)  are used to track the activities and connections of proteins and discover their functions on a large scale.Their main advantage is that they can be used to trace a large number of proteins in parallel. This protein nanochip includes a surface for support such as microtiter plate or bead, nitrocellulose membrane, glass slide. These are automatic, fast, economical, highly sensitive, consume less amount of samples.

Conclusion :
Microarrays are a set of microarrays of small experimental sites that are placed on a solid substrate and allow many experiments to be performed simultaneously to enable higher throughput and speed. to achieve  Typically, the surface area of ​​a nanochip is no larger than a fingernail.  Like a computer chip, which can perform millions of mathematical operations in a second, a nanobiochemistry can perform thousands of biological reactions, such as decoding genes, in a few seconds.