روز جهانی نورتقویم علمی ایران

روز جهانی نور

نور در زندگی ما نقشی اساسی دارد. در پایه ترین سطح، نور از طریق فتوسنتز، خود زندگی است. مطالعه نور منجر به تولید منابع انرژی جایگزین، پیشرفتهای پزشکی نجات دهنده در فناوری و روشهای تشخیصی، اینترنت با سرعت نور، و بسیاری از کشفیات دیگر شده است که جامعه را متحول کرده و درک ما از جهان را شکل داده است. این فن آوری ها طی قرن ها تحقیق بنیادی درباره خصوصیات نور - با شروع کار اساسی ابن الحیثم ، کتاب المنازیر (کتاب اپتیک) ، که در سال 1015 منتشر شد و شامل کارهای انیشتین در آغاز قرن 20 ، که دیدگاه ما در مورد زمان و نور را تغییر داد.

هر سال 15 ماه می میلادی به عنوان روز جهانی نور نامگذاری شده است.

Light plays a central role in our lives. On the most fundamental level, through photosynthesis, light is at the origin of life itself. The study of light has led to promising alternative energy sources, lifesaving medical advances in diagnostics technology and treatments, light-speed internet and many other discoveries that have revolutionized society and shaped our understanding of the universe. These technologies were developed through centuries of fundamental research on the properties of light – starting with Ibn Al-Haytham’s seminal work, Kitab al-Manazir (Book of Optics), published in 1015 and including Einstein’s work at the beginning of the 20th century, which changed the way we think about time and light.

The International Day of Light celebrates the role light plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development, and in fields as diverse as medicine, communications, and energy. The celebration will allow many different sectors of society worldwide to participate in activities that demonstrates how science, technology, art and culture can help achieve the goals of UNESCO – building the foundation for peaceful societies.

The International Day of Light is celebrated on 16 May each year, the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960 by physicist and engineer, Theodore Maiman. This day is a call to strengthen scientific cooperation and harness its potential to foster peace and sustainable development.