Features of Alcohol Consumption Motives and Practices by Full-Time and Part-Time training Students

سال انتشار: 1398
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 361

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 6 اسفند 1398

چکیده مقاله:

Purpose: This article is devoted to an urgent problem – the problem of alcohol consumption culture by the younger generation.The aim of the study is to identify the factors, motives and practices of alcohol consumption by full-time and part-time students, aswell as a description of students’ alcohol consumption culture. Methodology: The leading methods for the study of this problem arethe methods of questioning and interviews, allowing analyzing the factors and motives that contribute to the consumption ofalcoholic beverages. These methods helped to identify the particularities of the practices of alcohol consumption by students of byfull-time and part-time training. Result: The article considers the factors that contribute to the consumption of alcohol by students offull-time and part-time students of training: social factor (the presence of a company of close people who can support dialogue; theacquisition of social ties); material factor (increase or decrease in income); psychological factor (stress relief, antidepressant, and thepossibility of emancipation). Applications: The data obtained in the work can be used in sociology, social psychology, psychology ofeducation, psychology of deviant behavior, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue. Novelty/Originality: Thenovelty and originality of the study lies in the fact that it highlights the main motives of alcohol consumption by students of part-timetraining: a way to relax from work; stress relief; observance of the ritual; the ability to be liberated with people; with whom sobercommunication is unpleasant. Most often, alcohol by students and full-time and part-time forms of training is used at home (the mostcomfortable place); at a party (a special leisure organization); in bars (attracts a special atmosphere

کلیدواژه ها:

student youth ، forms of training ، the alcohol ، the motives of alcoholic beverages’ consumption ، the practice of alcohol consumption


Gennadii A Cornilov

North-Caucasus Institute (Branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Department of Criminal Procedural Law, Makhachkala, Russia۲ G

Konstantin B. Ilkevich

Gzhel State University, Department of Physical Culture and Life Safety, Elektroizolyator, Russia.

Elena V. Shalomova

Alexander G. Grigorievich and Nikolai G. Stoletovs Vladimir State University, Department of Foreign Languages of Professional Communication, Vladimir, Russia.

Irina G. Kartushina

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Department of Engineering and Technical Systems, Kaliningrad, Russia.

Mikhail L. Musharatsky

Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Department of Criminal and Penal Law, Perm, Russia. E

Nikolay A Mashkin

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Moscow, Russia