Simulation of the effects of molybdenum and chromium coatings on the piston ring wear properties

سال انتشار: 1397
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 600

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 30 دی 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Friction of internal combustion engines is a critical issue that affects on the fuel consumption of the engine. Frictional loss of the piston assembly is about 45% of tlie whole loss of tlie engine systems like crank shaft, connecting rod systctn, axillary devices and valvtrain system [1]. for the piston rings, the part of the force between the piston ring and the cylinder bore is related to the elasticity of the rings and the other part is due to a gas pressure that leaks into the groove between the rings and pistons. Due to theelasticity of the piston rings. these rings push the cylinder bore all the term, meaning there is no load moment. So. except near the range of high and low death points. nonnally piston rings work without contact. Even rings that are sharp, their comers seem to be rounded and tight enough. Typically, increasing strength, preventing combustion. reducing oil consumption, increasing engine speed, reducing pollution emissions. depends on the design of an internal combustion engine. These parameters have much effect on the power of the cylinder. Abaqus software has used for simulation to evaluate the stresses created by the piston rings. Molybdenum and chromium coatings have sprayed onto the surface of the piston rings by plasma spray technology. it was also evaluated by the Abaqus software, the coating behavior. The simulation of the cylinder and piston rings has using a commercial ring and according to the information of the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. The modeling procedure and results are presented in this work. In this paper, it was constructed from the previous authors and analyzed the effects of tension and coating between the piston ring and the cylinder bore on the ring wear using a cross-sectional shape and a mechanical specification of the ring as an input.


dariush darini

Iran University of Industries and Mines;

alireza hajiali mohammadi

Semmm University

mohsen ostadshabani

Iran University of Industries and Mines