Synthesis process and evaluation of zeolite-based micromotors

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 459

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 11 شهریور 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Micro/nano motor is a general term to describe a class of manmade tiny devices with the ability to exhibit mechanical motion often in a liquid or liquid/gas interface [1]. Autonomous propulsion in such objects arises from chemical reaction of a catalyst coated asymmetrically on particles surface and the fuel molecule dissolved in motion media [2]. These motors has the potential to be used in various applications ranging from biomedical [3] to environmental remediation [4].We describe here the synthesis process of a novel zeolite-based micromotor with the potential of chemical and biological detoxification of water.Among zeolite family, zeolite 4A is well known for its ability to remove heavy metals from water [5], non-toxic nature, availability and low cost [6]. It is also reported that silver exchanged zeolite has antibacterial capability in spite of its low toxicity [7]. Combining these properties with micromotor advantages, i.e. move and destroy contamination, can be beneficial for water remediation purposes.One of the known fuels of micromotors is aqeaus hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which has antiseptic feature [4]. Hydrogen peroxide can decompose to water and oxygen in the presence of proper catalysts such as Pt or Ag [1].Micromotors with the purpose of water remediation both chemically and biologically can be fabricated by using masking technique to coat Ag asymmetrically on cubic silver-zeolite particles [9].


Fatemeh Abedini

Material science and engineering department, Sharif university of technology, Tehran ۱۴۵۸۴, P. O. Box ۱۱۳۶۵-۹۴۶۶, Iran

H.R. Madaah Hosseini

Material science and engineering department, Sharif university of technology, Tehran ۱۴۵۸۴, P. O. Box ۱۱۳۶۵-۹۴۶۶, Iran