Survey and analysis of queuing system of a Bank: A case study

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 492

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

Waiting time in queue is one of the important parameters of customer satisfaction so the present study has been conducted queue system at a crowded branch of Bank in Tehran. The required information to study the customer behavior were collected and analyzed with objective observations. Based on the system behavior, proper model of queuing system was selected and by using the Markov chain laws and relations, queuing system and its problems were reviewed. Then, by using QTS software, queuing system of the bank was simulated and analyzed in different circumstances and for different number of counters. Finally with results of the simulating queuing system and Regardless of the additional costs, some suggestions were presented to improve this system in terms of changing the number of counters. Simulation and investigation the queuing system can be useful to improve service quality and customer satisfaction in this area. The present research, is a case study on the queuing system in one of the branches of Ghavamin bank, so that, the purpose of optimizing the number of counters in order to reduce waiting times and queue lengths is towards creating customers satisfaction. Based on information collected from the branch, the appropriate model is provided based on queuing theory and systems simulation for different scenarios. According to the obtained values of performance indicators, it can be said that the bank queuing system is in good conditions; but to achieve ideal conditions, it is better to increase the number of counters. Although an increase of counters causes shortening the queue and customer satisfaction, however, reduces the coefficient of efficiency of the system bellow the unit. It is not relatively favorable for banking system, because it will increase the fixed and current costs


Behnaz Akhavan

Department of Industrial Engineering, Tehran North Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran