Evaluation of the effect of vertical component of earthquake acceleration on nonlinear time histories analysis of steel structures with irregularity in plan

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 364

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 مرداد 1397

چکیده مقاله:

With Honey To That At half Centuries Recent Attention To Build Structure S Steel Growing Have been Is And Also With pay attention to architecture new, some From Structure The Regular was not And At Named Structure S Irregular Put Is And With Attention To existence Fault S Near To Site Urban At country We ) Iran ( Need To analyze effects Come on From this Earthquake That way Structure The Feeling Out. At this Article review Effect Acceleration Right Earthquake On Structure S Referred to In a way Special review Has been . The irregular and irregular effects of 5- story steel structures have been modeled and evaluated . In the modeling of the software SAP The history analysis has been done on them . Also, Tabas Earthquake Accelerations, North Ridge and Chichi have been used in this research . These acceleration maps are entered into the software after scaling and applied to the structure in both directions . The results have shown that irregularly shaped models have a very functional cone shape amongst irregular models and behaved like a regular model . Also, in the irregular model of type 3 , due to the very torsion, we do not see proper performance and the values of drifts have increased dramatically . Also, the application of the vertical component of the earthquake has led to an increase in the axial force in the columns

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Hamid Gholami

PhD candidate, Faculty of civil and Built Environment Islamic Azad University, Larestan

Mohammad Karkon

PhD, Faculty of civil and Built Environment Islamic Azad University, Larestan