The Effects of Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) on Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

سال انتشار: 1396
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 460

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 17 آبان 1396

چکیده مقاله:

All of these real-life personal experiences involve ordinary interactions in today’s workplace. It is a world of potential misunderstandings, bias, conflict, and missed opportunities. It is also an exciting, vibrant, and emerging world where cultural differences give rise to all kinds of possibilities. How well prepared are we to excel in an environment in which these multicultural scenarios continue to increase in frequency and importance Do we have the necessary knowledge And, if so, do we have the wisdom to know when, where, and how to apply this knowledge What do we do when we find ourselves stymied or taken aback by how much we do not know Perhaps most importantly, do we have the motivation to make a long-term commitment to learn, change, and adapt Each day, we are reminded of the skills we need as we increasingly cross borders, encounter ambiguous behaviors and gestures, and seek to make sense of a seemingly endless variety of values. At home and abroad, many of us struggle to relate to cultural strangers. Whether we have the ability and drive to thrive in this global, changing environment will be pivotal in determining our success. Corporate entrepreneurship (or corporate venturing) which means entrepreneurial activities at the level of established organization has been recognized as an important element in organizational and economic development and performance. Corporate entrepreneurship has been gaining strategic importance in order to its impact on the organization process that contributes to firm survival and performance. Recent studies showed that organizational culture is one of the important explanatory variables of corporate entrepreneurship. This study shows the strategic importance of organizational culture by presenting evidence of the relationship between cultural dimensions and corporate entrepreneurship


Amir Ghorbani

Department Of Public Management,Payam Noor University ,Iran

Arezoo Ghorbani

Department Of Business Management,Azarabadegan University, Urmia ,Iran