Comparative Analysis of Speaking and Listening Sections of one Common English Book series in Mashhad Language Institutes

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 434

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 19 خرداد 1396

چکیده مقاله:

Through time, it has been proven that speaking and listening are the two most important skills for having a comprehensive conversation. Almost all of the foreign and second language learners have the goal to master bothabilities completely. Therefore, we are going to evaluate how much the speaking and listening sections of one intendedbook will affect the EFL learners through teachers point of view. This study aims to discuss the pre-intermediate levelof one of the most common and considerable books of English Series that is taught in Mashhad Language Institutes by the use of an open ended questionnaire designed by the researchers of this paper. It must be noted that, the book is World English 2 . It is also worth mentioning that, there is a specific frame work for this questionnaire-form studywhich has tried its best to show how successful and practical, listening and speaking sections of this book was and stillis. In the speaking section, it desires to evaluate the exposure to the natural language, accuracy, fluency, and autonomyof learners while in the listening part exposure to the authentic materials, variety of accents, fruitfulness, and practically are going to be dealt with. Moreover, there are 10 participants, from both male and female English teachers, for evaluating the book. The questionnaire is in the open-ended form; therefore, teachers can write their own specific opinions for each and every part. At the end, there are some suggestions provided for this book in order for it to be improved.


Saeideh Khorami

M. A. TEFL Student , Department of English Language, Hakim Sabzevari University , Sabzevar, Iran.

Farzaneh Malekzadeh

MA Student of Linguistics, Department of English Language, University of Birjand, Iran.