Investigating oil effect on the growth of Cuminum cyminum medicinal plant to control weeds in Baghdar area of Yazd province

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 654

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 5 بهمن 1395

چکیده مقاله:

For sustainable utilization and optimal use of medicinal plants in the country, doing extensive researches on over a thousand species of existing medicinal plants is essential. Because of having appropriate temperature and the fact that Cuminum cyminum needs less water, some regions like Yazd and Baghdar area are suitable for planting these species. In this study, the effect of oil on Cuminum cyminum growth has been investigated to control weeds in baghdar area. Two adjacent plots with the dimensions of 5*04 meters were allocated to cultivate this plant on 43/0/0449. The amount of 5 liters oil was splashed on one of the plots using a pump on 04/1/0449. 04 days after splashing oil and at the beginning of harvest season, 45 samples were taken using plots of 4m0 in the 0 plots. Then according to the type of data and the purpose of study, each group was compared to the control treatment using independent sample t-test. The results showed that oil splashing didn’t have any effects on the aerial phytomass of Cuminum cyminum, but it had a significant effect on grown weeds like Chenopodium album, Descurainia Sophia and Bromus tectorum and caused them to dry. So according to the Cuminum cyminum resistance to the oil, this method can be used to combat weeds. But it is necessary to investigate oil splashing time and the amount of its consumption to prevent soil pollution. On the other hand, according to Cuminum cyminum resistance to the oil, surveying this species ability to purify soils contaminated with petroleum derivatives is suggested.

کلیدواژه ها:


Abdolhossein Rezaipoorbaghedar

Ph.D. student of combating desert, Hormozgan University, Tel: 43491543100,

Majid Sadeghinia

Faculty member of Ardakan University,

Ahmad Fatahi

Faculty member of Ardakan University,

Mohammad Hossein Hakimi

Faculty member of Yazd University,

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