Fatal and Non-Fatal Work Related Injuries Among Workers of Iranian Aluminum and Copper Industries Between 2003 and 2011

سال انتشار: 1395
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 629

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 25 مهر 1395

چکیده مقاله:

One-third of globally, injuries to the adults in the world were related to workers and work situations. The aim of the present study was determining of work-related injuries rate among workers at two main metal industries (aluminum and Cooper industries) and independent predictors of fatal work-related injuries among them.Present cross-sectional study was assessed fatal and not fatal work-related injuries among 11172 workers into two groups of Iranian metal industries between April 2003 and September 2011. Information was obtained from the electronic registry of work-related injuries to the health & environment office of Iranian Mines and mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization of the Iranian industrial ministry. Binary logistic regression was used for determining predictors of fatal work-related injuries.During the study period, 55 workers of metal companies had been dyed and mortality rate among study workers was 1.7% and 3282 work-related injuries were reported. Mortality rate in study workers had significant association with injury location (P≤0.00), worker's age (P≤0.00) and not significant association with worker's shift (P≥0.44), educational level (P≥0.46), injury type (P≥0.65) and work experience (P≤0.07). In linear regression model analysis only age of workers was independent mortality predictors among study workers.Based on our findings work-related injuries in mentioned industries in this study setting are high, and a comprehensive injury prevention program seems to be essential.


Elaheh Kabir-Mokamelkhah

Occupational Medicine Research Center (OMRC) & Faculty of medicine of Iran University of medical sciences and health services (IUMS)

Mashallah Aghilinejad

Occupational Medicine Research Center (OMRC) & Faculty of medicine of Iran University of medical sciences and health services (IUMS)

Amir Bahrami Ahmadi

Occupational Medicine Research Center (OMRC) of Iran University of medical sciences and health services (IUMS)

Mohammad Kazem Nouri

Occupational Medicine Research Center (OMRC) of Iran university of medical sciences and health services and manager of Safety, Health & Environment of IMIDRO (Iranian Mines and mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization).