Dynamics of chemical changes through production of various composts/vermicompost such as farm manure and sugar industry wastes

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 396

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 4 خرداد 1395

چکیده مقاله:

Purpose Owing to aridity in our agro-ecosystem, mineralizationof organic substrate is quite rapid and thereaftervolatilized due to lower matrix affinity. In these consequences,the study has been chalked out with the hypothesisto alter the best approaches for mineralization ofavailable organic resources as soil supplement to reducethe economic burden on the farming community. Ourlaboratory study showed the sequential temporal variationsin physic-chemical properties of available organic substratessuch as farm manure and sugar industry wasteduring composting/vermicomposting.Methods The organic material obtained from the farmmanure of live-stock farm and another sources of industrialorganic waste {sugarcane baggase (SCB), pressmud(SPM), mixture of SCB, SPM and sugarcane effluent} wereused for this mineralization perspectives. However, allorganic substrates properties remained static except moistureup to a period of 21 days. Thereafter, these producedand processed matrix was subsequently composted andvermicomposted during 45 days under normal shade. Noearthworms were spiked in composting while Lumbricusrubellus collected near vicinity of research area wereinoculated at the rate of 50 g/kg of waste in vermicomposting.Contrarily, their applications was mandated as andwhen required policy subsequently. Moisture and temperaturestatus of substrates were monitored regularly.However, compost/vermicompost substrates were assessed@ 15 days interval to evaluate temporal changes inphysico-chemical characteristics.Results Vermicomposting of farm manure and sugar industrywastes produced best quality manure with enrichednutritional status comprising more OC (4 %), N (3 %), P(2 %), K (7 %), Ca (3.5 %), Na (2.5 %), SO4-2 (3.1 %) andB (twofold) as compared to composting.Conclusion Inoculation of local specie for vermicompostingis a viable option to be recommended to thefarming community.

کلیدواژه ها:

Composting Vermicomposting Raw organic sources Local earth worms Chemical change


Rahmat Ullah Shah

Department of Soil Science, Faculty of agricultural sciences and Technology, Bahaud din Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

Muhammad Abid

Department of Soil Science, Faculty of agricultural sciences and Technology, Bahaud din Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

Muhammad Farooq Qayyum

Department of Soil Science, Faculty of agricultural sciences and Technology, Bahaud din Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan

Rehmat Ullah

Soil and Water Testing Laboratory, Rajanpur, Punjab, Pakistan