5enses learning model based on walking rules: Walking is the medicine

سال انتشار: 1394
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 653

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 16 اسفند 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Walking upright on two legs is one of the defining features of humans. As there is a word that human gains his brain, but loses his health by walking upright, walking is closely related to human development since infancy. However, we have not been learned or examined our walk since toddler time. Walking is a very important habit to influence health for a lifetime and a lifestyle which should be examined for healthcare. As we can correct our bad habits such as wrong walking in lifestyles, it can improve remarkably our physical and mental health and apply easily form of exercise in modern people’s lifestyle. The aim of 5-sense(seeing, hearing, reading, writing and thinking) learning model is to develop the right consciousness which is possible only from the correct senses and sensory receptions in the objective world. In this respect walking rules for 5 senses learning are not just walk in right position but a walk therapy which is based on physiological order and system in human body. The physiological system in human body has its own standard biorhythm and if you can walk based on the biorhythm, you can get more therapeutic effects like health care, rehabilitation, and proper care. The walking rules make human body’s muscle balanced and internal organs well connected with various walking rules in all direction. Also as it stimulates human brain, the walking rules are very simple and effective walking to increase basic physical strength and brain development. It is particularly possible to apply in more rich and diverse educational activities with 5 senses learning by student's age and character to increase learning abilities.


Hyun Chul Kim

Hanyang University(South Korea)