Necessity of formation a series of the urban symbols with citizens' social interaction approach in urban space (A proposal example case: urban symbols of shahrood)

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 449

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 29 شهریور 1394

چکیده مقاله:

Nowadays, the most cities of country are excluded from the strong urban communities centerand also there are not a symbol that show the city in the minds of the population andsometimes the contacts outside the region and area. This project is an effort to contribute onimportant an also how to create a community- based in the form of symbols of a city as aviable space for residents or contacts across its region. For research, each of city symbols canbe the first image of each city that by means to it indeed refresh the identity citizens. in thisresearch the specifications and create of reflections in a such place that design the dynamicand attractive until to be restored a good memories in mind of residents and audience and thiseffect as a center for urban communities that at least create a user-oriented urban beexamined with respect to priorities and needs of the city. this research method is theanalytical – descriptive that its research field has been performed in Shahrood city with thepotential geographic and strategic urban development (CDS) with a specified statisticalsociety by using the statistical analysis method by SPSS software has been measured the localresearch with providing some questionnaires. so, in this regard first, has been described theprinciples of research and then has been researched the necessary solutions in order to createsuch places that can express the listed objectives in this research that is the necessity offorming in a strong urban community center in frame of the same symbol city which cites thecase sample as a lasing effect until to be confirmed the entity symbol for each city, relying onthe monumental architecture.


Mahdi Hakimi

master expert of architecture, Islamic Azad University, Shahroud Research& Science Branch

Bahram Siavashpor

PhD of Architecture, assistant professor department of architecture,Hakim sabzevari University

Hamidreza Shoaei

PhD of Architecture, assistant professor department of architecture,Shahroud Islamic Azad University